Thanks for the bug report. I still need to fix the pthreadVC.dll thing. Gem should be found, I'll check on that. As for the rest, trying running the pd-settings.reg file, it says how to do that in the README.


On Dec 19, 2006, at 1:31 AM, Vreahli the Audio Bandit wrote:

Heyas - first post here. :) Anyway - this is probably just me being airheaded and not knowing what I'm doing, but after uninstalling the old version of PD and installing the brand spanking new one, PD declares happily...

"...pthreadVC.dll was not found. "

I noticed there was a VC2 in the directory somewhere - but I'm not sure if just renaming it will fix it. Here's some other stuff it decided to pump out - but I think I can get these to work by messing with the paths.

Gem: can't load library
fftease: can't load library
hid: can't load library
iemabs: can't load library
iemmatrix: can't load library
liblist: can't load library
pdp: can't load library
pidip: can't load library
C:\\Program Files\\pd\\extra\\vasp.dll: couldn't load
vasp: can't load library
xsample objects, version 0.3.1pre7

xrecord~, xplay~, xgroove~ (C)2001-2005 Thomas Grill -------------------------------
-: can't load library

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a bug or an I D ten T error, but help would definitely be appreciated. :) Thanks to anyone in advance.

Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:

Ok, this should be approaching release readiness, lots of random little bugs fixed, plus finally a regularly working Mac/Intel build. Let's stress test! Please report bugs to the bug tracker so that they can get fixed.

Binaries are available for the following platforms:

Fedora Core 4/i386
Mac OS X 10.4/powerpc
Mac OS X 10.4/G4-optimized
Mac OS X 10.4/i386
Windows XP/i386

The 10.3 builds will come back once I get access to a Mac OS X 10.3 machine. Windows 2000 builds should happen sometime soon.


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