Steffen hat gesagt: // Steffen wrote:

> >Can you commit this into CVS ? (is that allowed from the license ?)
> The vbap_reverb.c file in the zip archive Derek Holzer posted says:
> "See copyright in file with name COPYRIGHT"
> But there is no such file in that (zip) archive. So i think it's a  
> lill hard to know?

This refers to the COPYRIGHT of vbap itself, which is BSD-ish. I'm
also in contact with Olaf directly and I'm almost done with converting
his more advanced [rvbap] external from Max to Pd. This has a builtin
calculation of reverb coefficients to be sent to [matrix~] or [mtx_*~]
I'll commit it when it's ready.

 Frank Barknecht                 _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__

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