David F. Place wrote:
> Thanks for the tip.  I tried to compile the zexy library, but got an error.

> checking "ms-bitfields"... yes
> checking "pd\>=0.37"... yes

now that is very weird.
i am pretty sure that zexy's configure does perform a check for "-fPIC".
to be precise, here on my machine this check is performed right after
ms-bitfield, the corresponding output lines look like:

> checking whether gcc accepts "-mms-bitfields"... yes
> checking whether gcc accepts "-fPIC"... yes
> checking whether gcc accepts "-mfpmath=sse -msse"... yes
> checking "pd>=0.37"... yes

where did you get zexy from? from CVS?
or is it a source release from pd.iem.at ?
i suggest using the CVS version (zexy is pretty much stable: i seldom
add features, most changes are bug-fixes and i usually forget to make a
new release after such minor changes)


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