Jack hat gesagt: // Jack wrote:

> Le 21 nov. 07 à 09:35, IOhannes m zmoelnig a écrit :
> > Javier Garcia wrote:
> >
> >> I think i could use [gate], but...
> >
> > just to make sure: there is no [gate] object in Pd.
> > probably someone has written an external for it, but why don't you  
> > use (or not) [spigot] instead, which has just the same functionality?
> Of course [gate] come with Cyclone. And of course you can recreate  
> [gate] with [spigot].

gate also comes with iemlib, where it behaves differently from the
gate in Cyclone, so it's very much recommended to avoid gate
altogether and use spigot instead. For the same reasons some other
objects like urn, counter or scale should be avoided. Btw.: Is there a
way in pdpedia to list only disambiguations? This would allow one to
use pdpedia for nameclash-identification.

 Frank Barknecht                                     _ ______footils.org__

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