On 25.03.2010, at 19:55, <martin.pe...@sympatico.ca> <martin.pe...@sympatico.ca > wrote:

matteosistisette wrote:
colet.patr...@free.fr escribió:

in despite a lot of efforts to have tools for making music with pd,
there's no way to make something smooth enough to be commercial,
unless cheating with some steinberg or direct x stuff,

That doesn't seem strange to me: I guess all the sound processing
involved in creating _fullu_ "commercial"-sounding stuff would be quite complicated to implement natively in Pd and probably too cpu- expensive -
anybody correct me if I am wrong.

But I wonder how this can be different in Max (note that I don't know
Max at all (almost))

I think the main difference is that Max uses doubles (64-bit floating point)

oha, myth-alarm! max (still) uses 32-bits.
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