Hello All!

I want to announce the official release of the Extended View Toolkit.


The Extended View Toolkit is a set of abstractions developed for the art 
installation "Extended View streamed".
It is intended to be an easy solution to experiment and realise panoramic video 
and complex multiscreen projection 
environments to createimmersive media experiences.

It features a set of abstractions that are able to combine multiple related 
(like video input, video playback) into aconsistent panoramic image. 
The source-material, e.g. the camera to display has to be aligned horicontally, 
since image-combination 
is based on simple, openGL basededge-blending and not algorithmic pix by pixel 

Furthermore it features abstractions to create multi-screen, multi-projector 
environments to enable 
correct representation of (not only)panoramic material. The projection 
abstractions can be combined 
to form big screens out of multiple projectors with softedge betweenoverlapping 
borders of single 
projectors and contain a vertex model that can be adjusted in 4, respectively 9 
points, so that 
projections onchallenging geometric surfaces is possible.

Additionally, all abstractions are controllable via OSC-styled 
send/receive-messages, which simplifies 
OSC-based external control.

Also, since streaming video was part of the project, a gstreamer based 
streaming solution was developed 
by Peter Innerhofer to distribute panoramic/multistream video over network. 
It can be found here: [https://github.com/peonic/streaming]

Libraries needed: mrpeachBuilt with pd 42.6 and GEM 92.3

Shader Programming/openGL: Cyrille Henry
GEM: Marian Weger
Prototyping/GEM: Peter Venus
Streaming: Peter Innerhofer
Initiation/Supervision: Winfried Ritsch

A short demo-clip can be found here: [http://vimeo.com/20311051]

The project was made possible through support from IEM-Institute for Electronic 
Music and Acoustics (iem.at) 
and CO-ME-DI-A.
The CO-ME-DI-A project is supported by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture 
Executive Agency (EACEA) 
of the European Comission forthe period 2007 - 2010 

Your feedback is welcome!


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