Hi Joshan -

I haven't seen that error message yet :)  Can you tell me:

  what version of what OS you're using (I guess Mac but what version?)
  is this a real MIDI device (5-pin connector), a USB "MIDI" hardware device,
  or an internal "virtual" MIDI connection that's not working?


On Sat, Aug 11, 2012 at 07:23:40PM +0100, Joshan Mahmud wrote:
> Hi all
> This is my first post so apologise if this is the wrong list / silly
> mistake.
> I've been using Max/MSP and have only just started using Pure Data and I'm
> having a basic issue with midi.  I would like to perform a simple:
> [makenote 80 500] -> [noteout 1]
> combo and I'm hearing anything.  I've set up my MIDI settings such that:
> input device 1: IAC Driver IAC Bus 1
> output devie 1: IAC Driver IAC Bus 1
> Midi works fine with Max/MSP and the same set of objects (and parameters)
> work as expected.
> I just want to create an algorithmic composition but only need to generate
> midi piano notes.
> If anyone can help that'd be greatly appreciated!
> Thanks
> Joshan

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