It’s hard to read the intentions behind text without knowing the person. I’ve 
met a good number of people on this list but not everyone.

I think the point of my last mail was more: “we started having a discussion 
about moving extended/ the extended externals forward in a community manner 
and, as it seems to me, we keep digressing into PD-L2ork”. It’s good to hear 
the technical things you have learned with the project that might help this 
effort out, but we don’t really need other details at this time.
Dan Wilcox
@danomatika <> <>
> On Dec 23, 2014, at 3:16 AM, wrote:
> From: Ivica Bukvic < <>>
> Cc: " <>" < 
> <>>
> To: Dan Wilcox < <>>
> Date: December 23, 2014 at 3:16:12 AM EST
> Subject: Re: [PD] [Bulk] Re: [Bulk] Extending Vanilla (was Cyclone help 
> patches & issue list)
> On Dec 23, 2014 1:53 AM, "Dan Wilcox" < 
> <>> wrote:
> >
> > You know guys, all I’m saying is perhaps there’s a way to move forward with 
> > the spirit of Pd-extended with the practicality of making it easy to use 
> > the extended externals with vanilla. In no way was I trying to say what 
> > you’re doing or not doing with pd-l2ork is wrong.
> >
> > This line "I assume l2ork doesn’t rely on one person testing and building 
> > across multiple platforms?” is only asking if you’ve experienced what a 
> > pain it is to handle that. It takes work and it’s *really* nice not to have 
> > to rely on one or two people to manually check things. I wrote that in 
> > comradeship assuming you agree that it’s a pain to do.
> >
> > I appreciate the work y’all are doing, but not everyone wants to use 
> > pd-l2ork and you yourselves have said you have no interest in trying to 
> > fill the role of Pd-extended.
> I think you may have misunderstood me (or I may have misspoke, honestly can't 
> remember). Pd-l2ork is and has since its inception replaced extended in my 
> own work. Out of respect to the work of Hans and many others have done with 
> extended, as well as pd-l2ork's arguably lesser concern with legacy stuff I 
> never wanted to claim it will do the same for you and others (even though as 
> of right now I can think of a couple, mainly cosmetic reasons why it 
> wouldn't).
> Best,
> Ico

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