
can anybody tell me where PD's preferences are stored on a w32 system ?

"puredata.info" says:

When you hit the Save all settings button, your modification will be stored to your system. The pdsettings are stored in a platform-dependent way as key/value-pairs.

On Windows the preferences are stored in the registry. For Pd-vanilla, they are in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Pd. For Pd-extended, they are in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Pd-extended

1.) i searched all over my system for "pdsettings" or the registry for that specific key ---> nothing found. but the preferences i did set are actually loading alright when i start PD.

2.) is there a specific reason why those settings are stored in the registry and not i.e. in a simple textfile somewhere in the PD folder system ? i think this would be a much better and more flexible way, as in my case, i run PD from a specific folder on an external harddisk without any install procedure (to make it a "portable application")



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