    As a man who 20 years ago was within less than
$100 dollars of taking up residence in a referigator
box I couldn't agree with you more.  Even then I was
better off than 75% of the worlds population, no North
American is realy poor, or has to be for that matter. 
Just for the record the LT. Govener of the State of
Arkansas is below the Federal Poverty line, and used
to qualify for food stamps.  Cost of living varies so
widely within this country that the Federal Poverty
line is a Joke.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/16/01 7:33:17 PM Pacific
> Standard Time, 
> >> Well, don't stand too corrected, Willie.  Well
> over 25% of us are below
>  the Federal poverty level.<<
> And all have running water, indoor toilets,
> electricity, automobile and 
> probably, a television/Sony Play Station.
> >>My experience is that everyone thinks everyone
> else is as well off as they 
> are.  Except for trash like me and 50% of my fellow
> americans.<<
> Being "well off" is a state of mind. Being "rich" is
> a condition. 
> I've worked my a** of to be rich.
> >>On this list I would guess the average  income is
> over $65000 dollars.<<
> Great tactic, draw them out, make them confess their
> idle riches.
> >>These guys don't even drive through my
> neighborhood so how would they 
> know.<<
> >>Heck they still think we have the highest standard
> of living in the world 
> when actually the US has the lowest standard of
> living of all the 
> industrialized nations.<<
> Not Haiti or The Dominican Republic or Cuba or South
> Americans or Africans or 
> 98% of the Chinese or 99% of the Russians. 
> "Industrialized nations" (all of them) count for
> little population-wise.
> >>Of course they travel to the third world countries
> and see the poverty.  
> Why do
>  they see it there and not here.  There it is
> quaint, here it is disgusting 
> so they don't look at it. >>
> Part of the reasoning there is: "Why don't they get
> up off their butts and 
> hustle?" 
> Nobody, NOBODY feels sorry for the poor in America.
> Why? Because America's 40 
> million REAL poor are still fifteen times more
> wealthy than 93% of the 
> world's population. 
> Mafud
> -
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