Treena said:
>They're too busy buying Rebels and point-n-shoots. :-)

I read your post out of context, got pissy, and started to post these URLs,
and then reread and saw that it was meant in jest.  But then I thought,
what the heck, good excuse to post 'em anyway. ;-)

A friend of mine, a single mom, is an avid point & shooter and has been for
years. I scanned some of her photos for and put them up so she could share
them with family and friends.

All but one of the photos here was shot with a cheap point & shoot, the
other was shot with a $$ Canon SLR borrowed from a doctor whose house she
cleans (she was too embarrased to tell him she didn't know how to put the
lense on and brought it to me to show her what to do). Prints are from the
grocery store

She now moonlights as a portrait photographer and is thrilled to have used
the money buy her own Canon Rebel and zoom, and as far as I know, she still
primarily uses it in p &s mode.

It isn't the brandname or the bucks invested that count in the end, what
does count is the person taking the picture.

Dan Scott

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