Well Peter you still had a hundred bucks.  What would you think if you
had spent that $100 six months earlier?  There are a million people here
in the States that think a refrigerator box is luxury accommodations
having to make do with a park bench or a doorway.  Yes if you are
healthy, reasonably intelligent, and willing to work you can make do. 
Though have you thought what the possibilities are of finding a job if
you don't have transportation.  Hint: most of the applications for lower
class jobs have a question like "How are you going to get to work", if
you put down anything but "car" you won't get hired.  I also wonder
where that guy pushing a shopping basket with everything he owns in it
parks his Caddilac?

Peter Alling wrote:
> Mafud,
>     As a man who 20 years ago was within less than
> $100 dollars of taking up residence in a referigator
> box I couldn't agree with you more.  Even then I was
> better off than 75% of the worlds population, no North
> American is realy poor, or has to be for that matter.
> Just for the record the LT. Govener of the State of
> Arkansas is below the Federal Poverty line, and used
> to qualify for food stamps.  Cost of living varies so
> widely within this country that the Federal Poverty
> line is a Joke.
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > In a message dated 1/16/01 7:33:17 PM Pacific
> > Standard Time,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> >
> > >> Well, don't stand too corrected, Willie.  Well
> > over 25% of us are below
> >  the Federal poverty level.<<
> >
> > And all have running water, indoor toilets,
> > electricity, automobile and
> > probably, a television/Sony Play Station.
> >
> > >>My experience is that everyone thinks everyone
> > else is as well off as they
> > are.  Except for trash like me and 50% of my fellow
> > americans.<<
> >
> > Being "well off" is a state of mind. Being "rich" is
> > a condition.
> > I've worked my a** of to be rich.
> >
> > >>On this list I would guess the average  income is
> > over $65000 dollars.<<
> >
> > Great tactic, draw them out, make them confess their
> > idle riches.
> >
> > >>These guys don't even drive through my
> > neighborhood so how would they
> > know.<<
> >
> > >>Heck they still think we have the highest standard
> > of living in the world
> > when actually the US has the lowest standard of
> > living of all the
> > industrialized nations.<<
> >
> > Not Haiti or The Dominican Republic or Cuba or South
> > Americans or Africans or
> > 98% of the Chinese or 99% of the Russians.
> > "Industrialized nations" (all of them) count for
> > little population-wise.
> >
> > >>Of course they travel to the third world countries
> > and see the poverty.
> > Why do
> >  they see it there and not here.  There it is
> > quaint, here it is disgusting
> > so they don't look at it. >>
> >
> > Part of the reasoning there is: "Why don't they get
> > up off their butts and
> > hustle?"
> > Nobody, NOBODY feels sorry for the poor in America.
> > Why? Because America's 40
> > million REAL poor are still fifteen times more
> > wealthy than 93% of the
> > world's population.
> >
> > Mafud
> > -
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