Jeeze! 28-300 is more than a 10 to 1 ratio! I'm thinking to myself (with my
aging gray cells) that it wasn't long ago that I eschewed zooms with more
than a 3 to 1 ratio because of the (then obvious) drop in image quality. Is
it really that much better now?

They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease
was already taken.

From: "Alan Chan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Most suggestions prefer Tamron 28-200/300 XR.
> >My wife wants more zoom for her MZ-6 camera. She has a
> >FAJ28-80 now. Maybe a Sigma/Tamron 28-200(300) is an
> >option. Any suggestions/warnings or other ideas? The
> >photos will be for the family album and not for
> >professional use.

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