graywolf wrote:
> It seems that my beliefs about mountain survival need to be reaccessed. I have
> always known mountain weather can be dangerous, but I would never have though
> that a 1/4 mile walk from the house in sunny weather could have turned so
> suddenly to nearly a life threatening situation. If I had been much farther from
> the house in my present health. I doubt I would have made it back. It seems like
> I may need to carry my mountain survival kit any time I go farther than the
> trash dumpster on foot.
> So that was my 4th of July adventure. What was yours?
> --
> graywolf

NOT nearly so exciting. But, as Rob Studdart will
attest, my roof has a wonderful
view of the fireworks here.  

YOu guys will hurl abuse at me for this, I know,
but on eof my friends who had
come over to watch with me had a Canon (G-1?)
digital and I ended up confiscating it
to shoot - I must have spat out about 50 shots and
jsut barely started to get the hang of
anticipating because of shutter lag in the last
few minutes of the show.  I didnt look
at the screen at all, closed it and shot as I
would with a film camera.

He had what I would have called a smart card but
he called it something else and didnt
know the term "smart Card" - it was holding all
his pics from a recent trip to New Mexico.
The files are 1 mg... I'm guessing these are not
very good for enlarging.  Don't know when
I'll get to see what I did as he forgot the cables
needed for me to upload them here.

The sad thing is, and this is really sad -- I was
bidding on a MZ-5 on ebay - was planning to leap
at the last minute - and forgot the time when I
was reviewing the digital snaps I took.

anyway - glad you survived, Tom --
Now you need to get on a nice healthy regimen so
that you CAN run out of the rain without worry :)

er I mean 

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