
AS> Gotta help with my photo career , no?

AS> Got mixed reviews in papers but wow - two thumbs
AS> up from the TV guys!

AS> Here is a thing I slapped quickly together for my
AS> Scrabble friends - 
AS> IN the film, they used a few pictures I put
AS> together on a borrowed camera
AS> when Joe Edley came to Washington Square park
AS> (rare occurance)

AS> so this is called Friday in the Park with Joel.  

AS> http://users.rcn.com/annsan/fridayintheparkwithjoel.jpg

AnnSan <g>, you have amazing sense of background. All those shots have
clear and rather calm background which does not distract from the main
subjects. As a result of that, the sense of presence is very strong.

I do play little scrabble myself (called Erudit in Russian) but only
in my mother's tongue, not any other language...


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