Nope. It's a new mount (from junk cameras?) or replating.
Strip and replate should only cost you something like $50 or so.
But, what you're faced with is a penetration of nickel or chrome plate, and once it's thru the plate itself, no "repair" is possible.

keith whaley

Joe Wilensky wrote:

My ESII was in KEH bargain condition, and works very nicely, but there were a few patches of corrosion/rust along the edge of the lens mount. I used one of those battery contact cleaner pens on the spots to smooth them out a bit. The spots look like this:

The areas don't extend onto the mount itself where the rear of the lens mount would come into contact with them, but it's close. My question is, is there anything I can do to these spots to oxidize/seal them or cover them over? Any particular product or method? I'd like to stop any further corrosion or discoloration of other areas. I don't plan on exposing the camera to salt water or nasty weather, but still ... any advice?


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