On 23 Sep 2005 at 20:31, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

> I'm using this car for a while and decided a little snap was in order.  I
> used the 77mm lens on the DS, and found the perspective pleasing.  However, 
> the
> sharpness of the license plate and deck emblem leaves something to be 
> desired. 
> I'm hoping someone (perhaps Paul) can offer a suggestion as to what aperture 
> and
> focus point might best provide some sharper results. This was shot at 1/800 @
> f8.0, and the focus point was at about the rear door handle.
> http://home.earthlink.net/~scbelinkoff/bmw.html

As a snap I don't find the focus problematic, even much larger it wouldn't be 
too irritating but I guess it's not the type of shot you'd be wanting to make a 
poster from in any case. 

If I were out to make a shot which was sharp back to front I would be shooting 
using a tripod for one and probably at f16 or greater if using a camera with an 
APS sized sensor. The general rule of thumb for optimising focus would suggest 
that the absolute plane of focus should lie around 1/3 of the way into the 
required subject however if in this case the emblem needs to be sharp the focus 
plane should be brought a little more forward. I find that sharp lenses (like 
the 77mm) make DOF boundaries more obvious.

I would have placed the plane of focus in a similar position to you in this 
particular shot and probably taken another at a different focal plane for a 
little cheap insurance.

Dave told be that you'd purchased a DSLR when we caught up in Perth, he didn't 
have to revive me but it was a shock! BTW what's your exposure count so far?



Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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