Thanks for sharing your experience. Good lesson for everyone. The pics are
great too. Glad it all worked out and the party looks to have been more than
a success.


On 11/13/05, George Sinos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Short version -
> The hard drive on which I store my photos crashed.  I restored the
> backup copy and didn't lose anything but time.  At the same time I
> discovered a "hole" in my backup process and plugged it.
> Long version -
> Late last Saturday afternoon I returned from a surprise party.  The
> family was celebrating a cousin's 50th birthday.
> I had shot about 200 photos (it was a big party) and copied them all
> to my external data drive.  At that point I converted all the PEFs to
> DNGs and ran a Photoshop batch job to make a set of JPGs.
> At this point I started the backup program to copy everything to
> another external hard drive.  This can take a few minutes so I
> wandered away from the computer and got busy catching up on a few
> other things around the house.
> Later that evening I returned to the computer to pick a few of the
> best shots and upload them to my web site.  As I began to edit the
> photos I heard an ominous "click, click, click" coming from the data
> drive.  While I was investigating the problem the drive failed.  It
> was too late to buy a replacement so I quit for the evening.
> Sunday I purchased and installed a replacement drive and began the
> restore process.  Luckily it can run unattended.  I hit the restore
> button about 3pm on Sunday afternoon.  It finished shortly before 1 am
> on Tuesday morning.
> My restore process copies the files than rereads the source and
> destination copies and compares them to verify the copy.  (OK, call me
> paranoid)  So it takes at least twice as long as a simple copy.
> Lesson learned?
> Before the problem I only copied new stuff from the backup drive to
> DVDs once a month.  Had the problem been more extensive and killed
> both the data and backup drives I would have lost everything I'd shot
> since October first.  I'm adding a step to my process to burn new
> stuff to DVDs as it's added to the backups.
> I'm also considering scattering the files over a few smaller drives
> just to shorten the inevitable restore process.  Another issue, once
> the PEFs are converted to DNGs I don't really use them for anything.
> They could be archived somewhere other than a working drive for the
> same reason.
> Oh yeah, some of the birthday photos are here:
> <>
> Nothing special, just family party photos.
> See you later, gs
> <>

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