In recent times, I seem to have lost the joy of photography.
What started over 20 years ago as a small concern has grown to an
enjoyable and profitable lifestyle. Then along comes digital. Not
that there is anything wrong with the new technology per se, I was
in fact one of the first kids on the block with an *istD and now
own three of them.

My problem is that photography has become more of a production line
than an art. Many have argued that only the capture mode has changed
and rather than a darkroom, everything can be done on a computer. Wrong.
All these things can be _simulated_ on a computer, which is an entirely
different technology. Sure, there is an 'art' to computer enhancement
and digital manipulation, but what of the art of photography. It seems
to me it has been replaced by 'digital workflow' and other buzzwords.

Capturing images with digital still maintains an artistic approach where
composition and an eye for a good photo are important, but what then?
I imagine the same dissilusionment was suffered by painters with the
advent of photography, but like the painters of old, many stuck to
thier art and it still flourishes today.

To this end I have decided not to play the digital game and instead
spend my time on furthering the art of photography. Whilst film is still
available I can use that, perhaps I will pick up an 8x10 or 4x5 and go
back to the good ol' days of coating my own plates (provided the chemicals
used are not classified as WMDs and I am arrested as a terrorist).

I will still maintain a digital camera, perhaps pick up a new MF digital
when Pentax decide one is right for release. But for now, I figure on 
sticking to film and the darkroom. Perhaps there is a niche for me in the
world because I will stick with the old technology, perhaps not. At least
with a good negative, some of history will be maintained and not lost in
a pile of decaying discs.

So for now, my MZ-S, my array of K-1000's and my 6x7 will rule the roost.
The *istD's will still be used, but not nearly as often.

Kind regards

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. 
Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

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