An exchange started yesterday at the Southern Maryland Celtic Festival, 
by someone who saw me photographing the band that performed after us 
with my K2:

"You can't beat that Pentax."

[After checking which camera I was using]  "Well, I suppose, depending 
on your tastes, you might beat it with a different Pentax.  Or,
depending on your tastes, you might not."

"Yeah.  They're great cameras.  I have an LX."

Whoops.  I'd forgotten about the LX.  Yup, you can beat the K2 with 
another Pentax even if you really like the K2 ...  

(I also had a conversation with a couple of much younger fans,
when they saw the cameras I was using.  They were intrigued by 
the Holga, though quite reasonably more attracted to the Pentax
K2 (I had also brought the Program Plus and PZ-10); one said
she'd gotten a Canon AE-1 specifically for a photography class.
I wish I'd brought an S3 with me ... I did pull out the Argus
'brick' that I'd brought along but not used, for a bit of "show
and tell".)

I shot 125 frames on my digital camera yesterday.  Plus eight
rolls of film and finishing off two more rolls that were already
loaded when I started.  I'd started the day thinking I was 
probably too tired to do a lot of shooting and might need a 
nap before our performance ... but there was so much to shoot
even though I didn't wander too far from our stage most of the 
day.  (Okay, a lot of that was trying to catch other performers
in different postures / with different expressions / from different

                                        -- Glenn

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