A friend of mine who is the president of a digital
video company turned me on to something new tonight.
This camera system promises to make some big waves in
Hollywood, and beyond.

It's a digital video camera with a 12MP sensor in the
Super 35mm format (24.4×13.7mm @ 4520×2540 pixels). To
produce the quality of images that this camera is
making at it's size and weight is game changing. I
think Panavision and some of the other companies
(Arriflex and others) are going to have to rethink
things. Take a look (if you have the bandwidth) at
some of the Quicktime video samples. I have to say,
it's breathtaking. My only gripe, as with all digital
capture, would be the look out of focus area. But even
there, it looks pretty amazing.

One interesting thing here is that this company is
also making their own lenses, which is kind of unique,
even in the movie camera field. A set of primes for
this camera is about $19KUS.

Too bad I didn't get my hands on something like this
when I was in film school. It would've been a dream.
No more labs, no more workprints. Right into the

Take a look at the quotes on the home page. One of the
guys is inter-cutting film with digital. Everything is



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