You will never regret this day.

William Robb
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bruce Dayton"
Subject: Enabled!

> Well gang, seeing how today was FS Friday, I took a late lunch
> made the trek down to my local camera store one more time to
> on my MF path.  This morning, the wife and I agreed to take
the plunge
> (I think I agreed more than she did) and buy it today.  So I
came home
> from the store much poorer, but very excited.
> Items purchased:
> P67II body
> AE II prism
> 90 2.8 lens
> Hotshoe grip
> Extension Tubes
> Film
> I'll start with this and figure out what else I am needing.
Then I
> suspect that down the road I will have to start selling some
35mm gear
> to support the new habit (lenses, etc).
> Woo Hoo!
>  Bruce Dayton
>  P.S. I suppose this means that I better change my vote on
>  body before Aaron gets on my case.
> -
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