
In a footnote to "The Logic of Mathematics; an attempt to develop my categories 
from within," the editors indicate that the first four pages of the manuscript 
(MS 900) are missing. The Robin catalogue indicates the same thing.

Has anyone, by chance, come across any references to what might be contained in 
the missing pages in other things that Peirce wrote--perhaps in the secondary 
literature or in other essays, notes or letters that Peirce write around 1896 
when this essay was composed?  I'm guessing the editors of the Collected Pages 
spent some time looking for the missing pages, but I thought it might be worth 
asking if anyone has heard stories about what happened to them.

If I were to hazard a guess, the topic of the first four pages under Article 1 
might have been similar to what is found in the first section of "The Logic of 
Mathematics in Relation to Education", which was written in 1898. Does that 
seem plausible?



PS While it is quite a long shot, let me know if you might have come across 
something in the archives (or elsewhere--e.g., the personal collection of a 
philosopher who did graduate work at Harvard back in the 40's) that might fit 
the description of the pages that are missing. The remaining pages are 
vertically oriented, unlined, neatly written, with "LofM" in the top left 
corner and numbered on the top right. Given the fact that the title of the 
piece appears to be pasted onto the top portion of a torn cover of a notebook 
and page five starts with Art. 2, the first page probably starts with "Art. 1." 
and then the text (perhaps with no title at the top).

Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Jeffrey Brian Downard
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 10:58 AM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Cyclical Systems and Continuity

Ben, Gary F, Jon S, List

The reference Ben makes to mathematical singularity theory is interesting. The 
general idea of turning to work in algebraic metrical and projective 
geometry--as well as algebraic topology--is the kind of approach I find 
attractive when faced with a puzzling discussion like we have in the "First 
Curiosity" and the Addendum. Given the fact that I don't feel at home in the 
larger world of mathematics in which Peirce lives, I find that a map to the 
larger terrain is helpful. As such, I think of the  Elements of Mathematics and 
the New Elements of Geometry as a kind of map to understanding how Peirce 
thinks of the elementary parts of mathematics as fitting together.

The general point I was trying to make earlier is that it is not helpful to 
think of the study of multitudes, on the one hand, and the study of topology, 
optics and metrics, on the other, as two separate approaches to understanding 
the continuum. Peirce does consider the study of systems that are (i) discrete 
and infinite and systems that are (ii) continuous and infinite as two different 
branches of mathematics. Having said that, it is clear from his work on the 
elements of mathematics that the study of number systems is part of topology. 
In the Elements of Mathematics, the study of one leads directly into the study 
of the other with no break. In the New Elements of Mathematics, the study of 
the different systems of number is an integral part of his discussion of the 
fundamental properties of space.

On Peirce's account, the old division between algebra and geometry is not a 
separation between different branches of mathematics. Rather, they are two 
different approaches that employ different sorts of systems of 
representation--one more iconic, the other more symbolic (but both systems 
employing both kinds of signs in robust ways)--that can be translated from one 
the to other when studying the different systems of mathematics.

Now, for the more particular suggestions that Ben seems to be pointing us to 
about mathematical singularity theory. Having skimmed through the contents of 
the Elements of Mathematics and the New Elements of Geometry this morning, I am 
not able to make out whether Peirce is drawing on the kinds of ideas about the 
intersection of curves that are proven in Bézout's theorem. Having said that, I 
do see that the wiki entry on the topic refers to the "most delicate part of 
Bézout's theorem and its generalization to the case of k algebraic 
hypersurfaces in k-dimensional projective 
space<>." Without worrying about 
the technical parts of the discussion, we can see that the formulation of the 
theorem within the framework of projective geometry and a system of homogeneous 
coordinates yields some nice diagrams of intersecting conics.'s_theorem

It is surprising, at least to me, that the curves in the diagrams have 
intersections with multiplicity of 2, 3 and 4. In his discussion of "The 
Fundamental Propositions of Graphics in Chapter 2, Peirce seems to consider why 
it is that, under different projective hypotheses, the possible points in the 
lines of different curves "rush together" in the way that they do when they 
meet at a tangent (see Art. 101, pp 363-5 and following).  He asks what happens 
when a ray intersecting the curve of a conic as a secant become a tangent and 
says, in response to the question, "The mathematician strives in vain to master 
such a hypothesis. He finds it much easier to suppose there is some other part 
of space, unseen by us, which those points enter."

In this way, Peirce seems to be contemplating a move from one system of 
homogeneous coordinates (e.g., rational numbers) into another system of 
coordinates (e.g., imaginary numbers) which enables us to have a space with 
higher dimensions and with different kinds of properties. The parallels between 
what he is saying here about (1) moving to a mathematical perspective in which 
we suppose there is some other part of space that is unseen by us and (2) what 
he says in the illustration of the person in the the steamboat at night who is 
able to understand how the disjointed scenes illuminated on the shore are, from 
another perspective, part of a continuous unfolding of time involving parts of 
the scene that are unseen by him, is--at least to my ear--quite suggestive.

As such, one of the ideas that stands out to me in Peirce's discussion in the 
addendum is the movement to a different perspective that enables us to treat as 
continuous what had seemed, from the earlier perspective, to be discontinuous. 
We have a similar kind of shift in perspective when we move from thinking of 
systems numbers as fields that are spread in a "flat" diagrammatic space (i.e., 
as with the Sylvester matrix representation in the explanation of the 
projective properties of the conic curves that are meeting with different 
orders of multiplicity in the wiki entry on Bézout's theorem) to thinking of 
systems of numbers as cyclical systems. The shift from one perspective to 
another involves a movement to a different sort of topological configuration in 
the relations between the numbers in the system--i.e., from linear sequences of 
ordered relations that don't return to those that do.

Making sense of the implications of such shifts in perspective and how they 
might enable us to better see what has heretofore been unseen in common 
experience and mathematics, as well as in philosophical inquiry in the 
normative sciences and in metaphysics, is what I'm hoping to gain.


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354

From: Benjamin Udell <>
Sent: Friday, February 24, 2017 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Cyclical Systems and Continuity

Jon S., Jeff,

Mathematical singularity theory may be relevant here. I've just now read some 
things on it including Bézout's theorem. If it is relevant, then I would wonder 
why Peirce didn't mention Bézout's theorem (he does mention Bézout a few times) 
or the like. Decades ago a topological singularity theorist told me that the 
theory provided ways to distinguish points that one would think were not 
distinguishable (or discernible). For example, think of a string that loops 
over itself on the floor, or a curve that loops through itself on a plane. The 
point of self-intersection is a point with "multiplicity two", since it 
corresponds to two different points along the curve. They both correspond to a 
single point on the plane (or floor). They are ordered, one coming earlier or 
later than the other, depending the direction in which the points along the 
curve are ordered. Another case of multiplicity two is that of the factor 3 in 
the equality 3×3=9. Deforming the string or curve so that it does not pass 
across itself does not result in our needing to attribute the former 
intersection point to just part of the loop or the other. Has the intersection 
point "exploded" into two points? But it always had multiplicity two. Peirce's 
example involves neither such a loop nor a cusp, but a simple circle. The 
circle gets cut by a line segment that is not a part of the circle. The loop 
cuts itself by intersection of two parts that "locally" are not part of each 
other. The multiplicity of the circle's cut point is not the multiplicity of an 
intesecting line segment's point coinciding with a point on the circle. 
Instead, Peirce cuts the circle show that any point on it is a kind of 
potential multiplicity of ordered points. He cuts the circle and widens it into 
a C, and if one closes it again, there is nothing to stop us from considering 
the rejoined end points as distinct but coinciding at a point on the plane, as 
long as we can find them again. But in making it back into a simple circle, we 
have melted them into each other. Instead, some re-interruption of the circle, 
some decision as to how to cut it, is required in order to revive the 
singularity and determine its actual multiplicity or, to put it another way, to 
determine what multiplicity has been actualized.

I hope that makes some sense. It's still kind of early in the morning for me.

Best, Ben

On 2/23/2017 10:28 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt wrote:

Jeff, List:

JD:  I'm wondering if anyone can explain in greater detail what Peirce is 
suggesting in this passage in making the comparison between the atomic weight 
of oxygen and the continuity of Time--or if anyone knows of clear 
reconstructions of what he is doing in the secondary literature?

Kelly Parker discusses the same passage on pages 116-117 of The Continuity of 
Peirce's Thought.

The continuum of time is a species of generality, and is present in any event 
whatever.  Moreover, time is the most perfect continuum in experience.  
Accordingly, when Peirce defined a continuum as that which, first, has no 
ultimate parts, and second, exhibits immediate connection among sufficiently 
small neighboring parts, he appealed to the experience of time to illustrate 
the notion of immediate connection.  Time serves as the experienced standard of 
continuity, through which we envisage all other continua (CP 6.86).

There is an apparent circularity in using time to define continuity.  The 
definition of continuity involves the idea of immediate connection, immediate 
connection is clarified by an appeal to the concept of time, and time is 
conceived as continuous (CP 4.642).  In chapter 4, I sought to clarify the 
notion of immediate connection without an appeal to time, so as to break this 
circle.  With the mathematical account of immediate connection in hand, though, 
we can see that Peirce's appeal to time identifies it as the experiential 
standard of continuity.  Peirce asserts that to say time is continouos is "just 
like saying the atomic weight of oxygen is 16, meaning that shall be the 
standard for all other atomic weights.  The one asserts no more of Time than 
the other asserts concerning the atomic weight of oxygen; that is, just nothing 
at all" (CP 4.642).

Time, the standard of continuity, is the "most perfect" continuum in 
experience, but should not be taken as an absolutely perfect continuum.  The 
perfect true continuum is only described hypothetically in mathematics.  Peirce 
observed that time is in all likelihood not "quite perfectly continuous and 
uniform in its flow (CP 1.412).  Phenomenological time does exhibit the 
properties of infinite divisibility and immediate connection, but is probably 
not best conceived as an unbroken and absolutely regular thread.  The only 
constant we have noted in time is the regularity of development or change, but 
change is not smooth.  Changes differ from one another.  The "regular" 
phenomenon of change consists, on closer examination, of numerous (perhaps 
infinite) parallel courses of development with different patterns and histories 
that interweave and diverge.

Here is what Parker says in chapter 4, page 89, about "immediate connection."

Immediate connection is a kind of relation, but a rather peculiar kind.  That 
the connection is immediate  suggests that there is no need of a third, C, 
which mediates the relation of A to B.  Not only does this exclude the 
possibility that there is anything located between A and B, it also excludes 
the possibility that A and B are related only in virtue of belonging to some 
class of objects.  In the case where A and B are connected only in co-being, 
for example, the third is that which brings the two independent things together 
in a collection.  My dog and my hat are "connected" in the sense that both are 
elements of the set of things in the house as I write this sentence.

Suppose that two things, A and B, have some part in common.  If that part is 
the region of intersection of A and B, then the region acts as a third and the 
relation is mediated by that third.  Now suppose that A and B have everything 
in common.  This means that A and B are the same.  In fact, the relation of 
immediate connection appears to be tied up with the relation of identity.  
Roughly speaking, the "mode of immediate connection" between sufficiently small 
neighboring parts of a continuum is that such parts are in some sense identical.

If I read Peirce correctly, he is here flirting with what would appear to be a 
disastrous contradiction:  neighboring parts of a continuum may be the same in 
every respect, including location.  But if all neighboring parts of a continuum 
are thus identical, there seems to be no way to explain how they make up a 
continuum rather than collapsing into a single point.  How is it that we get 
from the identity of neighboring points to a line with a left hand and a right 
hand region?  Peirce escapes the paradox by denying that the relations of 
identity and otherness strictly hold in respect to sufficiently small 
neighboring parts of a continuum (NEM 3:747).  This assertion demands some 

Parker goes on to cite "a loophole in Leibniz's Law," since "difference is 
equated with discernable difference, that is, a difference that in principle 
could become apparent to a mind."  If "A and B are neighboring parts of a 
continuous line" that "are sufficiently small to be immediately connected," 
they must be "shorter than any specifiable positive length"; i.e., 
infinitesimal.  "The only difference between A and B must be in their location 
on the continuous line of which they are parts.  Because they are neighboring 
parts and are connected, they have parts in common; because they are 
immediately connected, they have all their parts in common."  Parker then 
invokes Peirce's illustration from the third RLT lecture of cutting a line at a 
point, such that it becomes two points.  "It is clear that if the original 
'point' thus admits of being divided, it must be divisible into parts of the 
kind we have been discussing.  This example illustrates that the immediately 
connected neighboring parts A and B (which are at the same 'point' before the 
cut) must be ordered."


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman<> -<>
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