Apologies - in a hurry but the correct determination letters are:

IO- Immediate Object; 

So, DO and DI are external to the sign vehicle; and IO and II are internal…..


> On Dec 19, 2023, at 8:58 AM, Edwina Taborsky <edwina.tabor...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> I have a completely different analysis.  A short outline is  all I have time 
> for...
> My view is that the terms of ‘genuine and degenerate refer only to the 
> categorical modes, with Thirdness as genuine. [3-3], degenerate in the first 
> degree [3-2] and degenerate in the second degree [ 3-1], [ See the many 
> references in CP, eg, 5 66 and on. Same with Secondness; genuine [2-2] and 
> degenerate in the first degree [2-1]. Obviously, Thirdness can have these 
> three modes and Secondness can have these two modes. Nothing to do with the 
> numerical number of these Relations.
> My view of the Semiosic triad/hexagon is that it is made up of correlates or 
> relations, functioning in the deterministic order of DO-DI-R/S-II-DI-FI. I 
> think most on this list would know what these abbreviations stand for.
> And the semiosic format is that the DO and DI are external to the 
> sign-vehicle, while the DI and II are internal. 
> There are many references to this outline - eg 8.333. The Fi, however, is not 
> an individual correlate but hypothetical,  emerging within a commonality of 
> multiple sign-vehicle responses to the DO. 
> These correlates in themselves as relations and determinants  have nothing to 
> do with the genuine/degenerate modes of the categories. The categories are 
> additional aspects of the complex semiosic process and function within each 
> of the correlates. So, a DO can function in a mode of 3ns, 2ns, 1ns. Same 
> with the DI…[See the outline off the ten classes].  And of course, one can 
> add their genuine and degenerate natures into the complex - being careful not 
> to violate the deterministic rule - and come up with not merely 10 classes 
> but 28 and 66. . 
> For example a Decent Indexical Legisign, has its Interpretant in a mode of 
> Secondness. The three Interpretants can all be in a mode of pure 2ns, - ie 
> ALL are genuine modes! Or we could see a gradual entropy where one or more of 
> the Interpretant Relations, still in 2ns,  becomes degenerate.  {See the 
> outline of 28 classes provided by Marty and Benazet]. 
> Edwina
>> On Dec 18, 2023, at 8:05 PM, Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Gary R., List:
>> To clarify further, no one is suggesting that all three interpretants are in 
>> a "mode" of 3ns, nor that both objects are in a "mode" of 2ns. Using 
>> Peirce's late taxonomies for sign classification, that would amount to 
>> claiming that all three interpretants are always necessitants and both 
>> objects are always existents--an impossible combination according to EP 
>> 2:481 (1908), regardless of whether one aligns destinate/explicit with 
>> final/immediate (as I do) or vice-versa.
>> Instead, the point is simply that phaneroscopic analysis of the genuine 
>> triadic relation between a sign, its object, and its interpretant reveals 
>> that for any one sign, there are two objects and three interpretants. The 
>> dynamical object is genuine, while the immediate object is degenerate. The 
>> final interpretant is genuine, while the dynamical interpretant is 
>> degenerate (relatively reactional) and the immediate interpretant is doubly 
>> degenerate (relatively qualitative). It is in this context that the 
>> interpretants themselves are a trichotomy, while in the context of sign 
>> classification, there is a different trichotomy for each of them 
>> individually.
>> With that in mind, I continue to maintain that each genuine correlate 
>> logically (not causally nor temporally) determines the corresponding 
>> degenerate correlate(s), in the sense that the universe 
>> (possible/existent/necessitant) of the genuine correlate constrains the 
>> potential universes of the degenerate correlate(s). Again, along with the 
>> obvious terminological affinities, this is why I align the destinate 
>> interpretant with the final interpretant and the explicit interpretant with 
>> the immediate interpretant.
>> However, I am not (so far) convinced that it is accurate to say that the 
>> genuine correlates involve the degenerate correlates in the way that 3ns 
>> involves 2ns and 1ns, and 2ns involves 1ns. As far as I know, Peirce never 
>> says nor implies that the dynamical object involves the immediate object; 
>> nor that the final interpretant involves the dynamical interpretant, which 
>> involves the immediate interpretant.
>> Regards,
>> Jon
>> On Sat, Dec 16, 2023 at 1:45 PM Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:jonalanschm...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> Gary R., List:
>>> I did not say anything one way or the other about involution, I just 
>>> explained why I used "determines." However, carefully parsing that quote 
>>> (CP 5.72, EP 2:162, 1903), Peirce does not say that genuine 3ns involves 
>>> reactional 3ns, which involves qualitative 3ns. What he says that for any 
>>> class in whose essential idea the predominant element is 3ns, there are 
>>> three subclasses--one involving a relatively genuine 3ns, one involving a 
>>> relatively reactional 3ns, and one involving a relatively qualitative 3ns.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
>>> Structural Engineer, Synechist Philosopher, Lutheran Christian
>>> www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt 
>>> <http://www.linkedin.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt> / twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt 
>>> <http://twitter.com/JonAlanSchmidt>
>>> On Fri, Dec 15, 2023 at 6:25 PM Gary Richmond <gary.richm...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:gary.richm...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>> Jon,
>>>> Thanks for your comments. However, I still tend to see the three genera of 
>>>> interpretants involutionally. Are you saying that in the quotation in the 
>>>> message to which I first responded that Peirce's writing that "Thirdness, 
>>>> or Representation. . . results in a trichotomy giving rise to three 
>>>> subclasses, or genera, involving respectively a relatively genuine 
>>>> thirdness, a relatively reactional thirdness or thirdness of the lesser 
>>>> degree of degeneracy, and a relatively qualitative thirdness" [emphasis 
>>>> added] was merely an informal way of speaking? That 'involving 
>>>> respectively' should not be seen as suggesting involution as Peirce 
>>>> understood it?
>>>> Of course I agree with you that 'logical determination' is what Peirce has 
>>>> in mind in the quotation you offered in the message that I'm responding 
>>>> to. But I still can't help but see a categorial involution of the three 
>>>> interpretants: Destinate, genuine; Effective, relatively reactional, 1st 
>>>> degree of degeneration; Explicit, relatively qualitative, 2nd degree of 
>>>> degeneration.
>>>> Thirdly, the Explicit Interpretant (1ns of 3ns)
>>>> |> Firstly, the Destinate Interpretant (3ns of 3ns) involves. . .
>>>> Secondly, the Effective Interpretant (2ns of 3ns) which in turn involves. 
>>>> . .
>>>> So, while from one perspective, logically the Destinate Interpretant 
>>>> determines the Effective Interpretant, which determines the Explicit 
>>>> Interpretant, from a slightly different logical perspective the three 
>>>> stand in an involutional relation. Further, I believe that many categorial 
>>>> aspects of semiosis can and ought to be considered from the standpoint of 
>>>> more than one, in some cases perhaps several to all 6 of the categorial 
>>>> vectors (that is, the six possible movements through the three categories).
>>>> Regarding why you do not believe the trichotomy of interpretants ought to 
>>>> be included in Peirce's Classification of Signs you write: "The point here 
>>>> is that a sign is never classified according to whether its interpretant 
>>>> is immediate, dynamical, or final. On the contrary, every sign can have 
>>>> all three interpretants."
>>>> Strictly speaking, you are undoubtedly correct. But Peirce's analyses of 
>>>> signs includes much more than merely the classification of individual 
>>>> signs (the signs in the chart of the 10 classes of signs are but 
>>>> abstractions as are the three interpretants, not 'living' signs in 
>>>> semiosis).
>>>> Again, strictly speaking, the classification of signs ought to be limited 
>>>> to that chart and Peirce's discussion of the 10 classes. But some of 
>>>> Peirce's analyses also include those elements which are involved (in the 
>>>> non-technical sense) in semiosis. So, famously:
>>>> Sign
>>>> |> Interpretant
>>>> Object
>>>> (Following the vector of determination in semiosis.)
>>>> Peirce says that "Signs are divisible by three trichotomies" (CP 2.43) 
>>>> these being (with no vectorial associations):
>>>> The Sign in itself:
>>>> Qualisign
>>>> |> Legisign
>>>> Sinsign
>>>> The Sign in relation to its Object
>>>> Icon
>>>> |> Symbol
>>>> Index
>>>> The Sign in relation to its Interpretant
>>>> Rheme
>>>> |> Argument
>>>> Dicisign
>>>> "These three trichotomies of Signs result together in dividing Signs into 
>>>> Ten Classes Signs." (CP2.254)
>>>> So, I guess one could see these several uses of 'Sign' by Peirce as but 
>>>> 'loose' language and, in fact, this terminological looseness -- especially 
>>>> coming from a scholar much concerned with scientific terminology ---- has 
>>>> resulted in some confusion in the past on this List and in, especially, 
>>>> insome of the early literature where there were those who argued that an 
>>>> Icon was indeed a Sign (whereas in the 10-adic classification there are 
>>>> three iconic signs). 
>>>> While it is certain that, for example, the Qualisign  is not and, indeed, 
>>>> cannot itself be a Sign, such constituents of authentic signs have been 
>>>> included at least as preparatory in Peirce's discussion of the 
>>>> classification of signs. Some others, perhaps including the three 
>>>> interpretant signs (as the interpretant is itself seen as a sign that has 
>>>> been developed according to Peirce) may constitute something like a 
>>>> supplement to that classification.  But again, strictly speaking, you are 
>>>> quite correct regarding the 10 classes of signs.
>>>> (Disclosure: I'm currently reviewing some semeiotic 'basics' as I'm 
>>>> preparing a presentation on Peirce's architectonic philosophy at APA this 
>>>> January to an audience likely having little knowledge of Peirce's 
>>>> architectonic, namely, Santayana scholars.)
>>>> Best,
>>>> Gary R
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