Looks like progress is being made:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Reuters)
Newsgroups: clari.news.labor,clari.news.usa.gov.personalities
Distribution: clari.reuters
Subject: Gingrich calls AFL-CIO election potential disaster
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1995 14:10:19 PDT
         WASHINGTON (Reuter) - House Speaker Newt Gingrich Friday 
called the election of John Sweeney as president of the AFL-CIO 
union federation a potential disaster.  
         Sweeney, an insurgent calling for a more militant approach 
in union dealings with management, was elected Wednesday in the 
78-union federation's first contested election in its 40-year 
         ``The union elections this week were potentially a 
disaster,'' Gingrich told a group of investment executives. ``We 
do not need a more confrontational, more hostile, more divisive 
union leadership.''  
         Gingrich added: ``We need a union leadership that 
understands the world market and understands that improving the 
work ethic, and improving the efficiency of labor and getting 
people to be productive in competition with the world is the 
only way to create jobs in America in the long run.  
         ``And that is exactly the opposite attitude that was 
evidenced this week in the AFL-CIO election,'' he said.  
Paul Zarembka ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
State University of New York at Buffalo

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