On political repession cf., "??? (can't find the title anywhere! From a
university press, a few years ago. On US Army intelligence spying on Blacks
after WWI, www.bn.com has a lousy search function. You can type in an
author's name and find stuff that under the title they say they don't have!
And type in "comunism" at bn.com and see if you still get scads of books on
Biblical exegesis...)
and , "Seeing Red: Federal Campaigns against Black Militancy, 1919-1925, "
Theodore Kornweibel, Jr.
 Prologue: "Radicalism and Sedition among the Negroes"
1 "Unrest and Radicalism Are Rife": The Flowering of Modern Political
Intelligence 1
2 "Dangerous Influences at Work upon the Negro": Fears of Communism during
and after the Red Scare 19
3 "They Are Viciously Edited with a View of Creating Racial Hatred":
Investigation and Intimidation of the Chicago Defender and Other Black
Newspapers 36
4 "The Existence of This Organization May Be for No Good Purpose": The NAACP
and the Crisis Avoid Federal Suppression 54
5 "The Most Dangerous of All the Negro Publications": Federal Efforts to
Suppress the Messenger and Black Socialist Activism 76
6 "An Undesirable, and Indeed a Very Dangerous, Alien": The Federal Campaign
against Marcus Garvey 100
7 "The Most Colossal Conspiracy against the United States": Efforts to
Thwart the Crusader and the African Blood Brotherhood 132
8 "Ultra Radical Negro Bolsheviki": The Pursuit of Black Wobblies 155
 Epilogue: "The Force of the Law" 174
 Notes 183

Michael Pugliese

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 12:56 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:8338] Re: A season for treason

>Speaking of the FBI, there was a biography of Marcus Garvey on television
the other day. It stated that J. Edgar Hoover got his start as the Master
Spy of the U.S. Secret Police by spooking on  Garvey. Most estimations of
the U.S. political system fail to take account of the role of semi-dictator
of the nation that Hoover assumed
>>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 02/21/01 03:27PM >>>
>Ruling class opinion received a jolt yesterday when it was discovered that
>top FBI spy Robert Philip Hanssen was working for the Russians since 1985.
>He identified Soviet double-agents for the Kremlin in exchange for cash,
>usually delivered in garbage bags underneath designated bridges.

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