Lou says:

>Marx and Engels were not always involved in
>party-building. Sometimes, especially during an ebb in the class struggle,
>they would concentrate on theorizing about the state of the movement and
>what to do next.

Theorizing is absolutely important, but given the drift of the 
comments on American workers in some recent PEN-l posts, I'm afraid 
that some Marxists are often tempted to *theorize* American workers' 
revolutionary potential *out of the political window* -- unless the 
Second Coming of the Great Depression hits them, that is.  If our 
hope lies only in things getting absolutely horrendous here, we might 
as well give up for the time being, watch capital's offensives 
against workers with our hands in the pockets (or our noses in the 
books, as the case may be), wait for the political Judgment Day or 
something like that.  That would be at least a logical -- if 
politically unwise, in my view -- course of action.  You don't 
actually believe, though, that nothing we do (except theorizing) 
matters in an ebb in the class struggle unless & until a Great 
Depression comes, do you?

>  >It seems to me that both you & Brad believe in the iron cage, though
>>with different political reasons & conclusions.  If you believe in
>>the iron cage, though, what's the point of being a socialist in
>How did this turn into a question of being a socialist or not? I wouldn't
>spend $150 a month to maintain a Marxism mailing list if I was not a
>socialist. The issue is whether workers in the USA can be reached in
>significant numbers with a revolutionary message right now. I don't 
>believe so.

As I said, what is can & will change, though there is no guarantee 
that change will be for better.  That is true *with or without a 
Great Depression*.  Meanwhile, we work on reforms while getting out a 
revolutionary message at the same time.  Otherwise, we end up being 
not so different from Brad, Nathan, & other supporters of the 
Democratic Party, except in our self image.


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