Brauchli, Marcus W. 1998. "Speak No Evil: Why the World Bank Failed to
Anticipate Indonesia's Deep Crisis." Wall Street Journal (14 July): p. A
"Jeffrey Winters, a Northwestern University professor who was a
U.S. Agency for International Development consultant in Jakarta in
1989, recalls an incident he says shows that Indonesian poverty
numbers were "pulled completely out of thin air."  He recalls
President Suharto insisting in public that poverty had dropped to
30 million, even though the World Bank was in the middle of a three
year study that showed 60 million poor.  He says AID officials
tried to forge a compromise between the World Bank and the
Indonesian government.  In the end, the bank report put the number
at 30 million.  "It was a huge collusive effort," says Mr. Winters.
"The number has been reported over and over, but it's a lie"."


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
fax 530-898-5901

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