      And with Gus Hall dead, they were lacking a
      Heck, if one wanted to protest, Nader was a wimp
and so was even McReynolds.  Might as well show
how off the CPUSA is and vote for the SWP just
to show how right "that prostitute Trotsky" is.  And
they even had enough votes in Florida to give it to
Bush.  The power!!!
       I have no comments on your (and my) yankee-centrism,
but do note (for Paul Phillips' benefit) that both Poland
and Slovenia avoided having noticeable increases in
their Gini coefficients since 1989, in contrast to Russia,
Ukraine, and even China, not to mention lots of other places.
Barkley Rosser
----- Original Message -----
From: "Doug Henwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 3:12 PM
Subject: [PEN-L:9546] Re: Re: Re: Socialism & American Workers (was Re:
ergonomics, etc.)

> J. Barkley Rosser, Jr. wrote:
> >  I've just been calling for forgetting about 2000.
> >But, just for the record, was it not the case that the
> >CPUSA actually supported voting for Gore?
> I don't know if they ever actually came out and said that, but in the
> run-up to the election, the Peoples Weekly World was full of
> exhortations to "vote against the right" and "defeat Bush." The last
> few issues have been full of photos of Richard Gephardt and other
> revolutionary anti-capitalists.
> Hanging my head in shame over the Yankee-centric content of this post,
> Doug

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