When I was in China, the  Marxist economist (and  translator of the
nefarious  Henwood's book Wall Street I might add) Han Deqiang used quote
after quote from Stiglitz in speeches he gave to university audiences to
debunk the adoration of the WTO in Chinese academia. There was another
person he used very effectively, Bill Clinton! He would end his lectures
with a quote from Clinton in a speech to  congress advising quick passage
of the China's entry to WTO based on the one sided character of
sacrafices called for in the deal, i.e.  only China would have to make
significant decreases in tarrifs, etc.
Han, btw, is really the closest thing China has to a Noam Chomsky. He goes
around to campuses and delivers lectures that simply use the words of
mainstream economists against the mythologies of neo-liberalism...


On Thu, 29 Nov 2001, Charles Brown wrote:

> Comment from Rudy Fichtenbaum:
> I just skimmed over the article outlining Stigliz and Krugman's
> critiques.  Considering the fact that they are not Marxists I think
> their criticisms are pretty significant.  I think that on one level it
> is probably worth supporting them because people will actually listen to
> what Stigliz has to say since he is a nobel prize winner.  This gives us
> an opportunity to influence a lot of people including a number of
> mainstream economists.  This doesn't mean we should accept their
> analysis uncritically.  Where it is appropriate we can debate and
> criticise but at the same time support the statements that they make
> that we agree with.

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