On 8/5/03, k hanly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Interesting that when it was announced that
> David Kay . . .  was hired . . . to look for weapons
> in Iraq there is zilch about questionable parts
> of his background . . . . [that] he has . . . no
> training as a scientist . . . [and] admitted in
> effect making a Faustian bargain with US
> intelligence sources. He was fired by Blix and
> consequently vilified him.
> http://www.wanniski.com/showarticle.asp?articleid=

If he verifiably finds or meaningfully helps find
whatever it is that also verifiably is confirmed to be
"WMD" (however defined), what difference will his
"backgound" have made?  And to whatever if any exent
that he will not have done this, why is it "[i]nteresting"
what his "background" may be (WHATEVER his
"background" is)?

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