[1] CSI: Baywatch.

Four Dolphins Shot to Death in Calif.

Jun 15 06:01 PM US/Eastern
By NOAKI SCHWARTZ, Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES (AP) - Four dead dolphins have washed ashore with fatal
bullet wounds and fifth with lacerations on its pectoral fin, said
authorities who have offered a reward for information on the slayings.

The long-beaked common dolphins were all discovered between Carlsbad
State Beach and Oceanside Harbor between May 29 and June 5. Photos
showed their normally sleek gray skin mottled and stained with blood
from the bullet wounds.

"It's a horrendous thing that happened," said Mark Oswell, spokesman
for the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration. "That someone
would go out there and shoot four dolphins."

Necropsies revealed that the dolphins, which were healthy with bellies
full of fish, may have been shot at the same time with the same gun.
Four had between one and three bullets of the same caliber in the same
part of their heads. ...
(Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.)

[2] Bumper sticker seen on Pacific Coast Highway:
"Jimmy Buffet for President
Put a REAL Pirate in Office"

[3] An Issue that's REALLY important:
On Monday, in Hermosa Beach, I saw a public demonstration (by about 30
to 40 men, women, and children) against the expansion of an "adult"
story ("the Tender Box"). I'm not (yet) the type who would go into
such a store, but why should anyone care about those who do? Note:
Hermosa is not in Orange County, so it doesn't suffer from the
mindless SoCal reactionary politics that prevails there. If anything,
it's suffers from mindless surferism.
Jim Devine / This Space for Rent.

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