Trilateral Ashton Carter to Head Defense Department

 Posted by Patrick Wood 63sc on December 10, 2014

Nobody questions the importance and power vested in the Secretary of Defense, which controls the most potent and advanced military forces in the world. The largely unexplained resignation of Chuck Hagel from this position on November 24, 2014, left many observers scratching their head. Insiders first claimed that Hagel was fired over disagreements with Obama, but then Hagel forcefully refuted those charges by December 4. "This was a mutual decision based on the discussions that we had," he said, "I don't think there's ever one overriding or defining decision in situations like this, unless there's some obvious issue, and there wasn't, between either one of us."

What forced Hagel to resign? Was it the failure to contain ISIS in Syria and Iraq? Was it his inability to restructure America's declining military forces while continuing to honor existing commitments? Perhaps it was perceived that Hagel's overall leadership was headed in the wrong direction.

I suggest that the answer to Hagel's departure is instead found in his chosen replacement rather than in his own conduct. Obama's announced candidate is Ashton Baldwin Carter, a member of the Trilateral Commission and Technocrat extraordinaire. If confirmed by the Senate, Carter will join his fellow Trilateral Commission member and longtime friend, Susan Rice, who currently serves as Obama's National Security Adviser.

Is this just a coincidence that yet another member of the Trilateral Commission finds his way into a top-level position in Obama's Administration? Hardly.

I just performed a new detailed analysis on the current Trilateral Commission membership list, which consists of roughly 375 individuals from North America, Europe and Asia. Although the Commission's website states that the U.S. member "quota" is 97, I counted 107 members. In examining the 107 U.S. members, at least 14 are in their late 80's and simply too old to hold public office. Another 16 are high-powered corporate executives who have not been open to any public office. Furthermore, there are 11 members directly affiliated with media companies, who do not hold public office. I also found another 15 members involved in academia or foundations who have never held public office.

This leaves 51 North American members who might be chosen for public service. However, these are roughly split between Democrat and Republican, leaving a pool of possible appointees of around 25 for either party.

Trilateral Commission members currently serving Obama include Susan Rice (National Security Adviser), Lael Brainard (Under Secretary for International Affairs, Department of the Treasury), Sylvia Burwell (Director, Office of Management and Budget), Michael Froman (U.S. Trade Representative). Others who have recently served Obama include Thomas Donilon (National Security Adviser), Adm. Dennis Blair (Director of National Intelligence), Austan Goolsbee (former Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers), Michael Chertoff (Secretary of Homeland Security), John Hamre (Obama's Transition Team), Steven Koonin (Undersecretary for Science, Energy Department), Judith McHale (Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs), Celia Rouse (Obama's Council of Economic Advisers), Anne-Marie Slaughter (Director of Policy Planning), James Steinberg (Deputy Secretary of State), Ellen Trauscher (Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs), Melanne Verveer (Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues), Philip Zelikow (Intelligence Advisory Board), C. Fred Bergsten (Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations), Stephen Bosworth (U.S. Special Representative for North Korea Policy), Kurt M. Campbell (Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs), Diana Farrell (Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry) and Michèle Flournoy (Under Secretary of Defense for Policy). This list is not exhaustive.

Add Ashton Carter's name as Secretary of Defense to the above 22 persons, and you have just reviewed almost 92 percent of the available (Democrat) U.S. membership that Obama might have appointed.

Another key Trilateral Commission operative is John Podesta, who currently serves as policy adviser to the President on climate change policy, and is actively creating Executive Orders for the President to sign. Podesta founded the Center for American Progress in 2003, an ultra left-wing Washington think-tank that was originally funded by George Soros. Until recently, Podesta was listed as a member of the Trilateral Commission, but the most recent list omits his name.

In 1979, I interviewed a then-prominent member of the Trilateral Commission who suggested that the reason for President Jimmy Carter's (also a Trilateral) appointment of their members to top Administration posts was merely because they were the best qualified for the selected positions. However, that was just as statistically ludicrous then as it is now.

The Trilateral Commission and its members are executing a coup right under our noses and nobody says a word.

Furthermore, I have carefully documented in my upcoming book, Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, that the Commission's so-called "New International Economic Order" is being specifically expressed as a Technocracy - that is, a replacement economic system to Capitalism run by scientists and engineers.

Ashton Carter is a perfect fit for Technocracy. As a Rhodes Scholar, he earned a doctorate in theoretical physics from Oxford University and then became a postdoctoral fellow at Rockefeller University and MIT.

According to the New York Times,

“In Ash you have a poster child for the guy who discovers that science and technology are the major drivers for some of the most important events in international affairs, and sometimes are the sources of the solutions,” said Graham Allison [Note: Allison was also a Trilateral Commission member], who recruited Mr. Carter in the early 1980s to come to the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard’s Kennedy School. “Here was a guy with a physics background who was fascinated by ballistic missile defense."

Unfortunately, a very smooth confirmation process is expected when Carter appears before the Senate.

Bilderberg's silent takeover of Britain’s $60bn defense budget

Beginning his working life in the aviation industry and trained by the BBC, Tony Gosling is a British land rights activist, historian & investigative radio journalist.
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 Published time: May 16, 2014 10:23
Democracy had another near-fatal stroke, and the military industrial complex further tightened UK defense spending with the appointment of ex-army officer and Tory hothead Rory Stewart MP as the new chairman of Westminster’s Defence Select Committee.

Last week the Home Affairs Select Committee delivered a damning verdict on Britain's defense and secret service oversight, on taxpayer accountability. It said the refusal of the director general of MI5, Andrew Parker, to appear before them and lack of any effective supervision was "undermining the credibility of the intelligence agencies and parliament itself."

Surely nothing could surpass the ‘Dodgy Dossier', the criminal conspiracy that led to the US and Britain, as the Arab League put it in 2003, to 'Opening the Gates of Hell in Iraq'? But with Stuart's appointment to oversee public scrutiny of UK military spending just two weeks before NATO's political cabal of which he's a member, the Bilderberg conference, meets in Copenhagen later this month, it is clear to those who still have eyes to see that those bloody lessons have not been learned and the worse could be yet to come.
 The most powerful private club in the world

In their Christmas 1987 edition, The Economist described Bilderberg as ‘Ne Plus Ultra’ the most powerful private club in the world. Its power has certainly not diminished as the decades have rolled by and neither has its secrecy. Although it began with trades unionists and powerful people it wanted to persuade, in its final days Bilderberg has boiled down to a rotten core of bankers, royalty, arms industry, oil and media barons and Rory Stuart MP, in the tradition of Kissinger, Blair, Cameron, Osborne and Balls, has thrown his lot in with them.

In 1943, half way through the war, the US power elite saw that, barring any big surprises, Hitler was going to lose World War Two, so their ‘War And Peace Studies Group’ of the Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) quietly began to prepare the Marshall Plan for the post-war world. Alongside the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a sizable budget was set aside to fund a range of activities which would ensure Europeans didn't vote communist and were welded economically, culturally and politically to the US for the foreseeable future.

British soldier Lieutenant-Colonel Nick Lock (C) checks his equipment before conducting a patrol with soldiers of the 1st Batallion of the Royal Welsh in streets of Showal in Nad-e-Ali district, Southern Afghanistan, in Helmand Province.(AFP Photo / Thomas Coex )
 Born in a Nazi ‘witches cauldron’ of British blood

Bilderberg's first chairman, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, was born into the German aristocracy. He joined the Nazi party at university, then the SS but he married into the Dutch royal family, dropping the silver deaths-head and black SS uniform before the war. His newly adopted Holland was invaded by his old Nazi friends in 1941, so he fled to Britain with his wife, Princess Juliana and Dutch Queen Wilhelmina.

As a former SS officer he was scrutinized by the Admiralty's wartime spymaster, Ian Fleming who, after a year of watching Bernhard, signed him to the British army as a trusted Dutch liaison officer.

With 1944 came one of Bernhard’s most important jobs: to supervise the Dutch underground in the run-up to September's liberation of large parts of Holland. Field Marshall Montgomery’s audacious airborne operation, the biggest in history, depicted in Cornelius Ryan’s 1977 film A Bridge Too Far, was codenamed 'Market Garden' and intended to end the war by Christmas.

As liaison officer for the coming Arnhem deliverance, Bernhard sent in Dutch spy, Christiaan Lindemans, codename 'King Kong', ten days beforehand to prepare resistance fighters for the allies lunge through Eindhoven, Nijmegen and over the Rhein into Arnhem.

But instead of making contact with the Dutch underground, Bernhard’s 'King Kong' found some German soldiers and demanded to be taken straight to the Abwehr, German military intelligence. The allies’ plans for the airborne assault were in enemy hands because Bernhard’s precious Lindemans was a double agent. He had wrecked the allies’ all-important element of surprise.

‘King Kong’ was arrested and quizzed after the war by the British but never got a chance to tell his story because, under Dutch orders, he was whisked off to Germany and died in suspicious circumstances.

Operation Market Garden went ahead on Sunday September 17, 1944, but the British paratroopers at Arnhem were quickly split and surrounded by forces containing self-propelled guns, tanks and crack SS troops, who happened to be resting nearby. Frost's 2nd battalion held on to the bridge leaving the rest of the 1st Airborne Division surrounded in what the Nazis called the Hexenkessel or 'witches cauldron', pinned down in the suburb of Oosterbeek.

On Wednesday 20 September, 1944, as British airborne Colonel John Frost’s remaining paratroopers were being mauled by SS Panzers at Arnhem Bridge, the tanks of the Grenadier Guards, along with US paratroopers, were tantalizingly close, destroying the last German defenses down the road in Nijmegen. Ironically, it was a young captain, who was also to chair the Bilderberg meetings in later life, Lord Peter Carrington, who was leading the Grenadier battle group of Sherman tanks as they took the penultimate bridge. At 8 o'clock that evening, he was just a 20-minute drive from reinforcing Frost at the Arnhem Bridge, and victory.

But although they still had eight hours or so before Arnhem Bridge would finally fall into German hands, Carrington’s force, along with the Irish guards, of a hundred or so tanks inexplicably stopped, just over the Nijmegen Bridge in the village of Lent, for an eighteen hour rest. After the war, 10 SS Panzer Division General Heinz Harmel mocked Carrington saying, “The British tanks made a mistake when they stayed in Lent. If they had carried on it would have been all over for us.”

'Colonel Frost later put the blame,' as Stuart Hills reports in 'By Tank To Normandy', 'firmly on the lack of drive by Guards Armoured,' of which Carrington's Grenadiers were the spearhead. 'Comparing their relatively light casualties with those suffered by the British 1st Airborne and US 82nd. Forty years later,' in 1984, 'he stood on the bridge at a reunion, shook his fist and roared a question into the air for the guards. 'Do you call that fighting!'

So Bilderberg’s first 1954 venue in Oosterbeek, Holland, was highly significant, being the same spot where a decade before the British army had suffered nearly 10,000 casualties in of one of the last Nazi bloodbaths of World War II. Bernhard had given the game away and when it looked like, despite his treachery, the brave allied soldiers might pull it off, Carrington and his corps of tanks ground to a halt for an eighteen hour tea break.
+44 (0)7786 952037
Twitter: @TonyGosling
"Capitalism is institutionalised bribery."
<> "The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung

Fear not therefore: for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed; and nothing hid that shall not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in the light and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye upon the housetops. Matthew 10:26-27

Die Pride and Envie; Flesh, take the poor's advice.
Covetousnesse be gon: Come, Truth and Love arise.
Patience take the Crown; throw Anger out of dores:
Cast out Hypocrisie and Lust, which follows whores:
Then England sit in rest; Thy sorrows will have end;
Thy Sons will live in peace, and each will be a friend.
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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