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On Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 1:07:58 PM UTC-5, Tony Gosling wrote:
> The Elite Financial Oligarchy - our present danger        
> The Elite Financial Oligarchy Poses a Clear and
> Present Danger to America's Freedom, Sovereignty and Independence
> obal%20-%2001%20-%20Global%20Governance.html 
> <>
> It is quite clear that influential and
> powerful individuals, groups, institutions and
> organizations throughout the world are attempting
> to "create a world system of financial control in
> private hands able to dominate the political
> system of each country and the economy of the
> world as a whole." (Quigley, Tragedy & Hope, p.
> 324) They are also seeking to establish a "new
> Imperial System" where the nation-state is
> reduced to an administrative unit in a future
> world state. These individuals and groups pose a
> "clear and present danger" to the freedom,
> sovereignty and independence of the United States
> of America. We must use every legal and
> legislative tool at our disposal to oppose these
> powerful forces. The future of America and its free institutions is at 
> stake.
> John Hancock Institute
> for
> International Finance ™
> Home
> Global Governance
> Global Governance in the Twenty-First Century
> ======================
> An Overview of the Elite Forces Controlling the World Economy
> =====================
> Written and Edited By Michael L. Chadwick
> Boise, Idaho: Global Affairs Publishing Company
> P. O. Box 16184. Boise, Idaho 83715
> A Question of Freedom and Slavery
> "I consider it as nothing less than a
> question of freedom or slavery.... Should I keep
> back my opinions at such a time, through fear of
> giving offense, I should consider myself as
> guilty of treason towards my country, and of an
> act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven,
> which I revere above all earthly kings."
> Patrick Henry
> March 23, 1775
> A Deliberate & Systematical Plan of Slavery
> "Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to
> the accidental opinion of a day; but a series of
> oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and
> pursued unalterably through every change of
> ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate,
> systematical plan of reducing us to slavery."
> Thomas Jefferson August, 1774
> Dedication
> This trilogy is respectively dedicated to
> James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson
> and Abraham Lincoln. Their fierce devotion to the
> principles of freedom and liberty was
> unequivocal, relentless and exemplary. Their
> dedication to the principles of a constitutional
> monetary system was unparalleled the history of
> the Republic. Their unwavering courage and
> steadfast opposition to the elite financial
> oligarchies in their respective days has earned
> them the adoration and praise of true patriots
> forever. The last of these noble and great men
> gave the last full measure of his devotion to
> America and its free institutions--even his life
> in the ongoing war between the forces of freedom and tyranny.
> This trilogy is also dedicated to the
> courageous men and women of the 19th and 20th
> centuries who opposed the elite financial oligarchies in their day.
> Table of Contents
> Part I Preface
> i. The Doctrines of Machiavellianism Permeate the
> World of Business and Society--Ida M. Tarbell
> ii. The Development of the European Banking System Throughout the World
> iii. The Emerging System of Global Governance--A Review of Current 
> Literature
> Part II Introduction
> 1. Global Governance or Global Tyranny?
> Part III The Engineers of Global Governance
> 2. Multinational Corporate Directors--The Takeover of the World
> 3. International Bankers--A World of Intrigue
> 4. International Investment Bankers--Financial
> Engineering of Corporate Takeovers
> 5. The Impact of Wall Street on the World
> 6. The Arrogance of Wall Street--The Mexican Peso Bailout
> Part IV Global Interdependence--Spinning a Web of Control
> 7. The Emerging Global Community
> 8. The Third Try at World Order
> 9. Economic Disarmament--the Role of the International Chamber of Commerce
> Part V The Development of a Central Management System
> 10. Trilateralism--Blueprint for Global Governance
> 11. Economic Summitry--Institutionalizing Trilateral Supranational Rule
> Part VI The Central Engines of Global Governance
> 12. Organization for Economic Cooperation and
> Development--Central Economic Planning at the Global Level
> 13. International Monetary Fund--Moving Toward a Global Central Bank
> 14. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade--Economic Disarmament of the 
> World
> 15. International Bank for Reconstruction and
> Development--Redistributing Income on a Global Basis
> 16. Bank for International Settlements--The Banker's Secret Conclave
> 17. Federal Reserve System--Controlling the Issuance of Money and Credit
> 18. World Trade Organization--Managed Trade on a Global Scale
> Part VII Ideological Manipulation of the Intellectual Community
> 19. Tax-Exempt Foundations--Their Impact on the Educational System of 
> America
> 20. Movement Toward a Global Society--The Role of Interdependence Education
> 21. The Introduction of Legal Positivism into America
> Part VIII Institutes of International
> Affairs--Molding the Minds of the Sub-Elite
> 22. Education for a New World Order--A Global
> Network of International Affairs Institutes
> 23. Global Ideology, Humanistic Studies and the Aspen Institute
> 24. Council on Foreign Relations--Elitism and the Eastern Establishment
> 25. Bilderberg Meetings--Annual Conference of the World's Power Elite
> 26. Foreign Policy Association--America's
> Transition from Isolationism to Globalism
> 27. National Education Association--Education for World Order
> 28. World Affairs Council and Global Interdependence
> 29. Declaration of Interdependence
> 30. Fabian Society and the Age of Democratic Socialism
> Part IX Regional Trade Agreements
> 31. European Community--Towards a Socialist Super-State for Europe
> 32. North American Free Trade Agreement--Merging the Americas
> Part X Media World--Thought Control over the Inhabitants of the Earth
> 33. Impact of the Media on America and the World
> 34. Hollywood--Corruption of the World Morality
> Part XI International Institutions
> 35. League of Nations & the United Nations
> Part XII Conclusion
> 36. The Establishment of an Imperial World State
> Appendix A
> Appendix 1 Billionaires Throughout the World
> 1. Foreign Billionaires
> 2. American Billionaires
> Appendix 2 Major Corporations Throughout the World
> 1. 50 Largest Corporations in the World
> 2. 25 Largest Public Foreign Companies
> 3. Countries with the Most Companies
> 4. Biggest Companies in World by Industry
> 5. World's Largest Industrial Corporations
> 6. World's Largest 100 Banks by Assets
> 7. World's Largest Corporations by Country
> 8. Europe's 100 Largest Fund Managers
> 9. America's Leading Investment Houses
> 10. America's Biggest Brokers
> 11. America's 100 Largest Multinational Corporations
> 12. Leading Commercial Banks in Foreign Exchange Market
> 13. America's Leading Merger & Acquisition Specialists
> 14. America's Leading Corporate Underwriters
> 15. America's 800 Most Powerful People
> 16. America's 500 Largest Industrial Corporations
> 17. America's 500 Largest Private Companies
> 18. America's 100 Largest Foreign Investments in the U.S.
> Appendix 3 Interviews with Influential Leaders in U.S., Europe and Japan
> 1. David Rockefeller
> 2. A. W. Clausen
> 3. William McChesney Martin
> 4. Henry Fowler
> 5. Yves Andre Istel
> 6. Michael David Weille
> 7. Leland S. Prussia
> 8. Frank X. Stankard
> 9. David Rockefeller, Takeshi Watanabe and Georges Berthoin
> 10. George Franklin - Part I
> 11. George Franklin - Part II
> 12. John Temple Swing
> 13. Winston Lord
> 14. William P. Bundy
> 15. Joseph E. Slater
> 16. Martin J. Hillenbrand
> 17. Joseph E. Johnson
> 18. William P. Bundy
> 19. George Ball
> 20. Ernest H. Vander Beugal
> 21. Richard Burke
> 22. Carter L. Burgess
> 23. Karl Kaiser
> 24. David Watt
> 25. Theodore C. Achilles
> 26. Francis O. Wilcox
> 27. Christoph Bertram
> 28. Dianne Hayter
> 29. John F. Reichard
> 30. Braulio Alonzo
> 31. Joseph Standa
> 32. John Ryor
> 33. Jim Cochran
> 34. World of David Rockefeller--Excerpts from Interview with Bill Moyers
> Appendix 4 Central Banks of the World
> Appendix 5 International Organizations
> 1. Membership of the U.N. and Its Specialized Agencies
> Appendix 6 Charter of the United Nations
> Appendix 7 U. S. Contributions to U.N. Organization--1994
> Appendix 8 U. S. Government Securities Dealers
> Appendix 9 Directors of International Institutions
> 1. Managing Directors of the IMF
> 3. Presidents of IBRD
> 4. Presidents of BIS
> Appendix 10 Economic Summit Declarations
> 1. Chateau de Rambouillet, France
> 2. Puerto Rico
> 3. London, England
> 4. Bonn, Germany
> 5. Tokyo, Japan
> 6. Venice, Italy
> 7. Ottawa, Canada
> 8. Versailles, France
> 9. Williamsburg, VA, USA
> 10. London, England
> 11. Bonn, Germany
> 12. Tokyo, Japan
> 13. Venice, Italy
> 14. Toronto, Canada
> 15. Paris, France
> 16. Houston, TX, USA
> 17. London, England
> 18. Munich, Germany
> 19. Tokyo, Japan
> 20. Naples, Italy
> 21. Halifax, Nova Scotia
> Appendix 11 Trilateral Commission Leadership and Membership
> 1. Trilateral Commission Leadership and Membership--October 15, 1978
> 2. Trilateral Commission Leadership and Membership--October 15, 1982
> 3. Trilateral Commission Leadership and Membership--1995
> Appendix 12 The Bilderberg Meetings
> 1. John Pomain--The Origin of the Bilderberg Meetings
> 2. Dr. Jospeh H. Retinger--Bilderberg Meetings
> 3. Alden Hatch--The Hotel de Bilderberg
> 4. List of Bilderberg Meetings Throughout the World
> 5. Bilderberg Discussion Papers
> 6. Graham T. Allison--Young Americans' Attitudes Toward Foreign Policy
> 7. Karl Kaiser--Priorities in Foreign Policy
> 8. Alastair Buchan--Power Relationships in the Far East: A European View
> 9. George W. Ball--The New Situation in Europe and the Far East
> 10. Ernest H. van der Beugel and Max
> Kohnstamm--Western Europe and America in the Seventies
> 11. W. Michael Blumenthal--Economic Issues
> Between Industrialized Countries for the Seventies
> 12. Walter J. Levy--An Atlantic-Japanese Energy Policy
> 13. Lord Greenhill--Prospects for the Atlantic World
> 14. C. Fred Bergsten--Prospects for the Atlantic World: An American 
> Perspective
> 15. Karl Kaiser--Prospects for the Atlantic World
> 16. J. Zijlstra--Inflation and Its Impact on Society
> 17. Michael Crozier--Non-Governability of Democracies: The European Case
> 18. Herbert Giersch--International Aspects of Inflation
> 19. John J. Deutsch--Inflation, 1950-1975: A Social and Political 
> Perspective
> 20. Richard N. Cooper--Developed Country Reaction
> to Calls for a New International Economic Order
> 21. Lester C. Thurow--Problems in the Mixed Economy
> 22. Christoph Bertram--Defense, Security and the Western Alliance
> 23. Bilderberg Meetings--Notice to Participants
> 24. Bilderberg Meetings--List of Participants--1978
> 25. Bilderberg Meetings--List of
> Participants--Saltjoboden Conference--May 11-13, 1984
> Appendix 13 Council on Foreign Relations
> 1. Officers and Directors--1994-1995
> 2. Summary Description
> 3. Council on Foreign Relations Committees
> 4. Membership
> 5. 75th Anniversary Capital Campaign
> 6. Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in
> Fund Balances--Year Ended June 30, 1994
> 7. Historical Roster of Directors and Officers
> 8. Editors of Foreign Affairs
> 9. Corporate Member Roster
> 10. Membership Roster
> Appendix 14 U. S. Government--Departments and Offices
> 1. Head of State
> 2. The Cabinet
> 3. Officials with Cabinet Rank
> 4. Government Departments
> 5. Executive Offices of the President
> 6. Independent Agencies
> Appendix 15 U. S. Foreign Aid--1946-1994 by Country
> Appendix 16 U. S. Contributions to GATT and OECD
> Appendix 17 U. S. Cost of Involvement in Foreign Wars
> Appendix 18 Membership of Executive Branch of U. S. Government: 1795--1995
> 1. Secretaries of Treasury
> 2. Secretaries of Commerce
> 3. Secretaries of Defense
> 4. National Security Agency Directors
> 5. Secretaries of State
> 6. Coordinators of Information and Directors of Strategic Services
> 7. Directors of Central Intelligence
> Appendix 19 Treaties and Executive Agreements
> 1. Treaties and Other International Agreements concluded--1789-1989
> 2. Treaties and Other International Agreements concluded--1980-1992
> 3. Treaties and Other International Agreements concluded--1980-1994
> Appendix 20 North Atlantic Treaty Organization
> 1. Text of Treaty
> 2. NATO: FACT Sheet
> 3. U. S. Financial Contributions to NATO
> Appendix 21 U. S. Contributions to International Organizations--1945-1992
> 1. U. S. Contributions to the IMF
> 2. U. S. Contributions to IBRD
> Appendix 22 U. S. Government Foreign Loans
> and Loan Guarantees: Managing Subsidies
> Appendix 23 U. S. Financial Contributions to
> Inter-American Organizations--Fiscal Years 1946-1995
> Appendix 24 U. S. Financial Contributions to
> Regional Organizations--Fiscal Years 1946-1995
> Appendix 25 U. S. Financial Contributions to
> the U.N.--Fiscal Years 1946-1995
> Appendix 26 U. S. State Department Budget
> 1. Department of State Budget--1781-1980
> 2. Department of State Budget--1962-1994
> 3. Foreign Affairs Spending and the State Department Budget
> Appendix 27 Department of Defense
> 1. Department of War and Department of Navy Budget--1900-1909
> 2. Department of Defense Budget--1910-2001
> Appendix 28 U. S. Exports and Imports
> Appendix 29 U. S. Financial Contributions to
> the Marshall Program During World War II
> 1. The Marshall Plan: Design, Accomplishments and Relevance to the Present
> 2. Funds Made Available to ECA for European Economic Recovery
> 3. European Recovery Program Recipients--April 3, 1948 to June 30, 1952
> 4. Expenditures under the ERP by Type
> 5. The Sum of Its Parts--Evaluating the Marshall Plan
> Appendix 30 U. S. Financial Contributions to
> Lend-Lease Program During World War II-- 1940-1954
> Appendix 31 U. S. Government Receipts and Expenses--1789-1994
> Appendix 32 U. S. Government Debt, 1790-1994
> Appendix 33 Leading Donors for President
> George W. Bush's Presidential Election--1988
> Appendix 34 Center for Strategic and International Studies
> Appendix 35 Atlantic Council of the United States
> 1. Program on Regional European Issues
> 2. Program on Atlantic Cooperation
> 3. Program on NATO and European Security
> 4. Program on Atlantic-Pacific Interrelationships
> 5. Program on International Security
> 6. Harriman Chair for East-West Studies
> 7. Program on Energy and the Environment
> 8. Program on Nuclear Policy Issues
> 9. Atlantic Council Board of Directors
> 10. Atlantic Council Councillors
> 11. Atlantic Council Sponsors
> Appendix 36 Business Roundtable
> 1. Policy Committee
> 2. Task Forces
> 3. Member Companies and Chief Executives
> Appendix 37 Aspen Institute
> 1. Aspen Policy Programs
> 2. Policy Programs at Aspen Institute Berlin
> 3. Policy Programs at Aspen Institute Italia
> 4. Policy Programs at Institut Aspen France
> 5. Collaboration Within the Aspen Network
> 6. Disseminating the Conclusions of Aspen Policy Programs
> 7. The Aspen Campus
> 8. International Officers
> Appendix 38 Carroll Quigley--Tragedy and
> Hope: A Review of Current Literature
> 1. Section I--Western Civilization to 1914
> 2. Section II--The Buffer Fringe
> 3. Section III--The Resurgence of Japan to 1918
> 4. Section IV--Finance, Commercial Policy and Business Activity--1897-1947
> 5. Section V--Changing Economic Patterns
> 6. Section VI--The Pluralist Economy and World Blocs
> Appendix 39 Triangle Papers: A Review of Current Literature
> 1. Triangle Paper No. 1--Towards a Renovated World Monetary 
> System--Excerpts
> 2. Triangle Paper No. 2--The Crisis of International Cooperation--Excerpts
> 3. Triangle Paper No. 3--A Turning Point in
> North-south Economic Relations--Excerpts
> 4. Triangle Paper No. 11--The Reform of International 
> Institutions--Excerpts
> 5. Triangle Paper No. 12--The Problems of International 
> Consultations--Excerpts
> 6. Triangle Paper No. 13--Collaboration with
> Communist Countries in Managing Global Problems:
> An Examination of the Options--Excerpts
> 7. Triangle Paper No. 14--Toward a Renovated International System--Excerpts
> 8. Triangle Paper No. 23--The Trilateral
> Countries in the International Economy of the 1980s--Excerpts
> 9. Triangle Paper No. 24--East-West Trade at a Crossroads--Excerpts
> 10. Triangle Papers No. 41--Global Cooperation
> after the Cold War: A Reassessment of Trilateralism--Excerpts
> 11. Triangle Paper No. 42--Regionalism in a Converging World--Excerpts
> 12. Triangle Paper No. 43--Keeping the Peace in
> the Post-Cold War Era: Strengthening Multilateral Peacekeeping--Excerpts
> 13. Triangle Paper No. 44--International
> Migration Challenges in a New Era--Excerpts
> 14. Triangle Paper No. 45--An Emerging China in a
> World of Interdependence--Excerpts
> 15. Triangle Paper No. 46--Engaging Russia--Excerpts
> Appendix 40 Articles in Foreign Affairs
> 1. Theodore C. Sorensen--Why We Should Trade with the Soviets
> 2. Robert Triffen--The Thrust of History in International Monetary Reform
> 3. C. Fred Bergsten--Taking the Monetary Initiative
> 4. Henry Owen--Foreign Policy Premises for the Next Administration
> 5. Arvid Pardo--Who Will Control the Seabed?
> 6. Raymond Vernon--Economic Sovereignty at Bay
> 7. Francis M. Bator--The Political Economics of International Money
> 8. Richard N. Gardner--Can the United Nations Be Revived?
> 9. Raymond Vernon--The Multinational Enterprise: Power Versus Sovereignty
> 10. Charles W. Yost--The Instruments of American Foreign Policy
> 11. Zbigniew Brzezinski--Japan's Global Engagement
> 12. Kingman Brewster, Jr.--Reflection on Our National Purpose
> 13. William Diebold, Jr.--The Economic System at Stake
> 14. Escott Reid--McNamara's World Bank
> 15. Hamilton Fish Armstrong--1893-1973
> 16. Richard N. Gardner--The Hard Road to World Order
> 17. Isaiah Berlin--The Bent Twig: A Note on Nationalism
> 18. Kei Wakaizumi--Japan's Role in a New World Order
> 19. Joseph S. Nye, Jr.--Multinational Corporations in World Politics
> 20. Richard G. Darman--The Law of the Sea: Rethinking U. S. Interests
> 21. Harold R. Isaacs--Nationality: End of the Road?
> 22. Richard H. Ullman--Trilateralism: Partnership for What?
> 23. Recommended Reading in Foreign Affairs
> Appendix 41 Tax Exempt Foundations--Reece Committee Reports
> 1. Reece Committee Final Report on
> Internationalism and the Effect of Foundation Power on Foreign Policy
> 2. Thomas M. McNiece--Reece Committee Staff
> Report on Relations Between Foundations and Government
> 3. Reece Committee Final Report on Relations Between Foundations and 
> Education
> 4. Thomas M. McNiece--Reece Committee Staff Report
> Appendix 42 European Community
> 1. Glossary of Terms Used by European Economic Community
> 2. European Community Information Service--The European Community: An 
> Overview
> 3. Leo Tindemans--European Union
> 4. Carter S. Wiseman & Edward Behr--Roy Jenkins: The New Commission 
> President
> 5. Roy Jenkins--The United States and a Uniting Europe
> 6. Stephen Milligan--European Monetary System--How It Works and Will It 
> Work?
> 7. Jeremiah Novak--The Geopolitics of the Dollar
> 8. Robert Jackson--Prospects for Europe's Parliament
> 9. Garret Fitzgerald--Political Cooperation: Toward a Common EC Foreign 
> Policy
> 10. Peter Blackburn--Getting Ready for Lome II
> 11. Carl H. Pegg--The European Idea On Trade Between the Wars
> 12. James Carter--The United States and Europe: The Future President's View
> 13. Boyd France--A Short Chronicle of the United
> States European Community Relations
> 14. A Brief Chronology of the European Community
> Appendix B
> Appendix 43 World Communism: A Critical Review
> 1. Michael L. Chadwick--The East-West Dilemma
> 2. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--The Third World War Has Ended
> 3. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--America, We Beg You to Interfere
> 4. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--Communism: A Legacy of Terror
> -5. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--Henry Kissinger
> -6. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--The Need for a Few Great Men
> 7. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--The Fate of the West:
> How Will It Avoid Falling into Totalitarism?
> 8. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--The West Has Lost Its Courage
> 9. Antony C. Sutton--Western Technology Builds Soviet Power
> 10. Miles Costick--The Dangers of Economic Detente
> 11. Miles Costick--The Soviet Military Power as a
> Function of Technology Transfer from the West
> 12. Miles Costick and Brian Green--The Arming of Red China
> 13. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn--Misconceptions about Russia Are a Threat to 
> America
> Appendix 44 Trilateralism: A Critical Review
> 1. Jeremiah Novak--New World Economic System Dawns
> 2. Jeremiah Novak--World Economic Changes Due to Trilateralism?
> 3. Jeremiah Novak--Trilateral Agony: The OECD Interfutures Report
> 4. Jeremiah Novak--North-South Dialogue: Background to the Paris Talks
> 5. Jeremiah Novak--The United States and World
> Order: An Inquiry into the Background of Trilateralism
> 6. Jeremiah Novak--Carter and the Giant Corporations
> 7. Jeremiah Novak--Trilateral Report Hints Foreign Policy Shift
> 8. Jeremiah Novak--Peking, Moscow and Washington:
> Collaboration with Communist Countries
> 9. Jeremiah Novak--Carter Team Plans International Financial Revolution
> 10. Jeremiah Novak--Trilateral Governance
> 11. Jeremiah Novak--Development of a Renovated International System
> 12. Jeremiah Novak--A New World Economic Order
> 13. Jeremiah Novak--The London Economic Summit
> 14. Jeremiah Novak--In Defense of the Third World
> 15. Jeremiah Novak--Trilateralism: A New World System
> 16. Jeremiah Novak--The Trilateral Connection
> 17. Jeremiah Novak--Trilateralism: A New Global Political Party
> 18. Jeremiah Novak--Beyond North and South: The
> Second Coming of the World Economy
> Appendix 45 Fabian Socialism
> 1. Ludwig von Mises--Socialism: A Critical Review
> 2. Socialist International--Aims and Tasks of Democratic Socialism
> 3. Harry W. Laidler--Fabianism
> 4. Fabian Tract No. 1--Why Are the Many Poor?
> 5. Fabian Tract No. 2--A Manifesto
> 6. Fabian Tract No. 3--To Provident Landlords and Capitalists
> 7. Fabian Tract No. 4--What Socialism Is -- I
> 8. Fabian Tract No. 13--What Socialism Is -- II
> 9. Fabian Tract No. 51--Socialism: True and False
> 10. Fabian Tract No. 107--Socialism for Millionaires
> 11. Fabian Tract No. 113--Communism
> 12. Fabian Tract No. 132--A Guide to Books for Socialists
> 13. Fabian Tract No. 180--The Philosophy of Socialism
> 14. Executive Committee of the Fabian Society 1978-79
> 15. Rules and By-Laws of the Fabian Society
> Appendix 46 The Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
> 1. Joseph E. Slater--The President's Letter on Governance
> 2. Stephen P. Strickland--Aspen Institute on Financing the Future
> 3. Directors of Aspen Institute--Proposals for President Carter's Agenda
> 4. Francis Keppel--Education for a Changing Society
> 5. Harlan Cleveland and Charles W. Yost--International Affairs
> 6. Waldemar Nielsen--Pluralism and the Commonwealth
> 7. Robert McKay--Justice, Society and the Individual
> 8. Walter O. Roberts--Science, Technology and Humanism
> 9. Abraham M. Sirkin--Living with Interdependence: The Decades Ahead in 
> America
> 10. Ward Morehouse--A New Civic Literacy
> 11. Communism Report--Coping with Interdependence
> 12. Commission Report--Organizing for Interdependence: The Role of 
> Government
> Appendix 47 International Banking
> 1. Newsweek--Investment Bankers: The Men
> 2. T. A. Wise--Lazard: In Trinity There Is Strength
> 3. C. M. van Vlierden--Global Banking Services for the Oil Industry
> 4. C. M. van Vlierden--New Era for International Banking and Finance
> 5. Robert Ball--International Banking Gets the Team Spirit
> 6. Michael C. Jensen--The Lazard Freres Style:
> Secretive and Rich--Its Power Is Felt
> 7. Business Week--The Inside Story of Lazard
> Freres' Merger and Acquisition Star: The Remarkable Felix G. Rohatyn
> 8. Wright Patman--Other People's Money
> 9. C. M. van Vlierden--Perspectives on the Changing World Business 
> Environment
> 10. Peter Landau--Will SDR's Become the New Super Currency?
> 11. C. M. van Vlierden--The Organization of International Banking 
> Operations
> 12. A. W. Clausen--Multinational Corporations:
> Potent Change Agents in the World
> 13. John Dornberg--Financing the Communist Countries
> 14. G. A. Constanzo--Lending to the Developing World
> 15. A. W. Clausen--The Transnational Citizen: A Broadening Perspective
> 16. David Rockefeller--World Economic Trends and U. S.-Soviet Trade
> 17. Francis X. Stankard--Banking on the Global Economy
> 18. Annual Report--The Global Reach of J. P. Morgan & Co.
> 19. Joseph Gold--The Second Amendment of the Fund's Articles of Agreement
> 20. J. J. Polak--Thoughts on an International
> Monetary Fund Based Fully on the SDR
> 21. Jeremiah Novak--The Geopolitics of the Dollar
> 22. A. W. Clausen--Future Economic Trends and
> Their Effect Upon Banking and Other financial Services
> 23. Jeremiah Novak--Crisis in International Banking
> Appendix 48 Institutes of International Affairs
> 1. The Atlantic Institute for International Affairs
> 2. Historical Summary--The Atlantic Institute
> 3. The Atlantic Council of the U. S.--1976
> 4. The Royal Institute of International Affairs
> 5. Stephen King Hall--Chatham House: A Brief
> Account of the Origins, Purposes and Methods of
> the Royal Institute of International Affairs
> 6. The Observer--An Institute of Foreign Affairs
> 7. The Times--The Institute to Be a Powerful Factor in Alerting Public 
> Opinion
> 8. The Yorkshire Post--Tribute of Foreign Affairs
> 9. The Morning Post--A Neglected Study
> 10. The Saturday Review--The British Institute of International Affairs
> 11. Royal Institute--The British Institute of International Affairs
> 12. International Institute--The International Institute for Strategic 
> Studies
> 13. International Institute--The First Five Years
> of the Institute for Strategic Studies
> 14. International Institute--The International
> Institute for Strategic Studies (1957-1972)
> 15. Institute of International Affairs--The
> Institute of International Affairs (Instito Affari Internazionali)
> 16. Institute of International Affairs--The
> Organs and Staff of the Institute of International Affairs (1977)
> 17. German Society--The German Society for
> Foreign Affairs and Its Research Center (Deutsche
> Gesellschaft fur Auswartige Politik)
> 18. Brookings Institution--The Brookings Institute
> Appendix 49 The Trilateral Commission
> 1. Zbigniew Brzezinski--Trilateral Relations in a Global Context
> 2. Trilateral Commission--Major Institutional Reform Ahead
> 3. Kinhide Mushakoji--Reform of International Institutions
> 4. Harold Brown--New Leadership Needed for
> Transition to the World of the Year 2000
> 5. Henry Owen--The Summit Process
> 6. Time--Carter's Brain Trust
> 7. Robert C. Christopher--The World's New Cold War
> 8. Lawrence Stern--Carter Taps Establishment for Brain Trust
> Appendix 50 Secular Humanism: A Critical Review
> 1. John W. Whitehead and John Colon--The
> Establishment of the Religion of Secular Humanism
> and Its First Amendment Implications
> 2. Rousas John Rushdoony--The Attack on Religious Liberty
> 3. M. J. Sobran--The Established Irreligion
> 4. William L. Johnson--Evolution, The Past, Present and Future Implications
> Appendix C
> Appendix 51 Council on Foreign Relations
> 1. Council on Foreign Relations--Annual Report 1993-94
> 2. Council on Foreign Relations--The Council on
> Foreign Relations: A Summary Report
> 3. Winston Lord--The President's Report 1978-79
> 4. Council on Foreign Relations--The 1980s Project: A General Description
> 5. Richard Ullman--The 1980s Project
> 6. Council on Foreign Relations--1980s Project: Books
> 7. Whitney H. Shepardson--Early History of the Council, on Foreign 
> Relations
> 8. John W. Davis--The Council on Foreign
> Relations: A Record of Twenty-Five Years 1921-1946
> 9. Joseph Kraft--School for Statesmen
> 10. Richard H. Rovere--Notes on the Establishment in America
> 11. Arnold Beichman--Council on Foreign Relations
> 12. Flora Lewis--Examining an Establishment Member
> 13. Richard H. Rovere--The American Establishment
> 14. Carroll Quigley--Cecil Rhodes' Secret Society
> 15. John Franklin Campbell--The Death Rattle of the Eastern Establishment
> 16. J. Anthony Lukas--The Council on Foreign Relations
> 17. Elizabeth Jakab--The Council on Foreign Relations
> 18. Council on Foreign Relations: Council on
> Foreign Relations Publications--1978-1980
> 19. Council on Foreign Relations--Foreign
> Affairs--An American Quarterly Review: A List of Articles Published 
> 1922-1979
> Appendix 52 Secular Humanism
> 1. Humanist Manifesto--1933
> 2. Humanist Manifesto II--1973
> 3. Corliss Lamont--The Humanist: the Meaning of Humanism
> 4. Lloyd Morain and Oliver Reiser--Scientific Humanism: A Formulation
> 5. Carl Becker--Four Forms of Collectivism
> 6. Corliss Lamont--The Cultural Roots of Humanism
> 7. Corliss Lamont--The Humanist Tradition: Forerunners
> 8. Julian Huxley--Evolutionary Humanism as a World Unifying Philosophy
> 9. Edward W. Strong--John Dewey's Humanism: Man Making Himself--Part I
> 10. Edward W. Strong--John Dewey's Humanism: Man Making Himself--Part II
> 11. Warren Allen Smith--Authors and Humanism
> 12. Edwin H. Wilson--Humanism: The Fourth Faith
> 13. Julian Huxley--Evolutionary Humanism--Part I
> 14. Julian Huxley--Evolutionary Humanism--Part II
> 15. Henry Walter Brann--Hegel, Nietzsche and the Nazi Lesson--Part I
> 16. Henry Walter Brann--Hegel, Nietzsche and the Nazi Lesson--Part II
> 17. The Humanist--John Dewey: Humanist and Educator
> 18. George Gaylord Simpson--Darwin Led Us into this Modern World
> 19. Corliss Lamont--John Dewey and the American Humanist Association
> 20. Julian Huxley--The Coming New Religion of Humanism
> 21. Edwin H. Wilson--The Religions Element in
> Humanism Pervades: Its Origin, Inspiration and Support
> 22. Erich Fromm--A Global Philosophy of Man
> 23. Gerald A. Ehrenreich--Humanist of the Year--1966: Erich Fromm
> Appendix 53 Articles About Global Governance
> 1. George W. Alger--Miss Tarbell's History of the Standard Oil Company
> 2. William L. Letwin--The English Common Law Concerning Monopolies
> 3. Peter C. Dooley--The Interlocking Directorate
> 4. Gus Tyler--Multinationals: A Global Menace
> 5. Howard V. Perlmutter--A View of the
> Future--The Multinational Corporation: Decade One
> of the Emerging Global Industrial System
> 6. UNESCO--Concentration in the Communications Industry
> Appendix 54 Bank for International Settlements
> 1. Roger Auboin--The Bank for International Settlements--1930-1955
> Appendix 55 An Act to Issue U. S. Notes
> Appendix 56 Articles About Central Banking
> 1. J. Z. Rowe--European Central Banking in Early America
> 2. A. Jerome Clifford--The Ownership of the
> Federal Reserve Bank Stock as an Issue of Independence
> 3. A. Jerome Clifford--The Case for Congressional
> Control of the Federal Reserve
> 4. A. Jerome Clifford--Congressional Means for
> Control of the Federal Reserve System
> 5. M. H. DeKock--Central Banking
> 6. M. H. DeKock--Constitution and Administration of Central Banks
> 7. David A. Martin--Metallism, Small Notes, and
> Jackson's War with the Bank of the U. S.
> 8. Robert Craig West--The Influence of Paul Warburg
> 9. Donald F. Kettl--The Struggle for Independence
> of the Fed from the U.S. Treasury
> Appendix 57 International Organizations
> Memberships in the IMF, IBRD and WTO
> 1. World Trade Organization Members
> 2. World Trade Organization Observer Governments
> 3. World Bank Members
> 4. IMF Members
> Appendix 58 Budget of the U. S. Government--1994
> Appendix 59 OECD--From Marshall Plan to Global Interdependence
> Appendix 60 Alexander Hamilton's Report on Manufacturers
> Appendix 61 Bank of the United States: A Critical Review
> 1. Thomas Jefferson--Opinion on the
> Constitutionality of the Bill for Establishing a National Bank
> 2. James Madison--Notes on Banks
> 3. Andrew Jackson--Veto Message
> Appendix 62 Governing Documents of America
> 1. The Declaration of Independence
> 2. U. S. Constitution
> 3. Bill of Rights and Amendments to the Constitution
> 4. George Washington's Farewell Address
> 5. Monroe Doctrine
> Appendix 63 Treaty Law Manual
> Appendix 64 Lawrence B. Krause--Sequel to
> Bretton Woods: A Proposal to Reform the World Monetary System
> Appendix 65 Miriam Camps--Collective Management
> Appendix 66 Miriam Camps--The Management of
> Interdependence: A Preliminary Review
> Appendix 67 Lincoln P. Bloomfield and Irrangi
> C. Bloomfield--The U. S. Interdependence and World Order
> Appendix 68 Miriam Camps--First World Relationships: The Role of the OECD
> Appendix 69 Atlantic Council--Beyond
> Diplomacy: Decision-Making in an Interdependent World
> Appendix 70 Richard A. Falk--Future World
> Appendix D
> Appendix 71 Marina v. N.
> Whitman--International Interdependence and the U. S. Economy
> Appendix 72 Marina v. N.
> Whitman--Coordination and Management of the
> International Economy: A Search for Organizing Principles
> Appendix 73 Atlantic Council of U.
> S.--Harmonizing Economic Policy: Summit Meetings and Collective Leadership
> Appendix 74 Lester R. Brown--The Interdependence of Nations
> Only One Earth
> Economic Interdependence
> Ecological Interdependence
> Resource Interdependence
> Technological Interdependence
> Social Interdependence
> Toward a Global Community
> Appendix 75 American Tariff League--A Brief
> Tariff History of the United States
> Appendix 76 Bill Montague--U. S. Economy Hangs on Japan
> Appendix 77 Akio Morita--Toward a New World Economic Order
> Appendix 78 Joseph S. Nye, Jr.--Multinational
> Corporations in World Politics
> Appendix 79 Recommended Reading List
> Appendix 80 Committee on the Judiciary, U. S.
> House of Representatives--Index to the U. S. Constitution and Amendments
> Appendix 81 Speeches in Favor of Global Governance
> 1. Woodrow Wilson--Declaration of War
> 2. Colonel Edward M. House--The United States,
> the League of Nations and World Peace
> 3. Carter Glass--The Integrity of a U. S. President
> 4. Charles G. Fenwick--The Future of the League of Nations
> 5. Franklin D. Roosevelt--Reorganization of Federal Government 
> Administration
> 6. Franklin D. Roosevelt--Reorganization of Federal Judiciary
> 7. Homer S. Cummings--Reasons for President's Plan and the Remedy
> 8. Franklin D. Roosevelt--The Constitution: Lawyer's Contract?
> 9. Nicholas Murray Butler--The United States Must Lead
> 10. Franklin D. Roosevelt--The New Deal Must Continue
> 11. Nicholas Murray Butler--Toward a Federal World
> 12. Franklin D. Roosevelt--This Nation Will Remain Neutral
> 13. P. J. Noel Baker--Toward a New World Order
> 14. Franklin D. Roosevelt--Declaration of War
> 15. Franklin D. Roosevelt--The State of the Union
> 16. Nicholas Murray Butler--There Can Be No Isolation
> 17. Dorothy Thompson--The Future World Order
> 18. Cordell Hull--The Seriousness of the War
> 19. Amos J. Peaslee--A Permanent United Nations
> 20. A. A. Berle, Jr.--The Realist Base of American Foreign Policy
> 21. Harold E. Stassen--World Affairs
> 22. Amos J. Peaslee--Future Fundamentals
> 23. Sumner Wells--Safeguarding Our Interests
> 24. Franklin D. Roosevelt--Another Link in the Chain
> 25. Cordell Hull--Moscow Pact a Basis for World Organization
> 26. Frank G. Tyrrell--Sovereignty Not Impaired by World Federation
> 27. F. H. LaGuardia--Interpreting the Atlantic Charter
> 28. Frederick R. Coudert--The Role of the Lawyer in Future World 
> Organization
> 29. Amos J. Peaslee--An International Judicial System
> 30. Dean Acheson--The Interest of the American
> Businessman in International Trade
> 31. Charles W. Tobey--Plan for World Cooperation and World Peace
> 32. Amos J. Peaslee--How Much International Government Do We Want?
> 33. Franklin D. Roosevelt--The Bretton Woods Proposals
> 34. Franklin D. Roosevelt--The Crimea Conference
> 35. Franklin D. Roosevelt--Good Start Toward Lasting Peace
> 36. Edward R. Stettinius--Invitations to United Nations Conference
> 37. Harold E. Stassen--San Francisco--The Golden Gate to Pace
> 38. Frank G. Tyrrell--International Police Power
> 39. Frederick R. Coudert--Force, Justice and Law
> 40. Philip C. Nash--Spring Leaves on Dumbarton Oaks
> 41. Herbert Hoover--The San Francisco Conference and Peace
> 42. Tom Connally--United Nations Charter
> 43. Arthur H. Vandenberg--United Nations Charter
> 44. Harry S. Truman--Objectives of the Charter
> 45. Edward R. Stenninius--The United Nations Charter
> 46. James F. Byrnes--Neighboring Nations in One World
> 47. James F. Byrnes--Common Interest For Outweighing Conflicting Interests
> 48. C. Wayland Brooks--Proposed Loan to Great Britain
> 49. Fred M. Vinson--British Loan Agreement
> 50. Harry S. Truman--A Year of Decision
> 51. James F. Byrnes--International Trade Organization
> 52. Harold W. Dodds--Woodrow Wilson
> 53. J. William Fulbright--The Outlook for Peace
> 54. Harry S. Truman--UNO Charter Based on Religious Principle
> 55. Trygve Lie--International Solidarity and Collaboration
> 56. Harry S. Truman--United States Will Support the United Nations
> 57. William E. Knox--The Foreign Trade Myth
> 58. William Benton--My World--My Human Race
> 59. Arthur H. Vandenberg--Our Mutual Problem with the World
> 60. Harry S. Truman--Foreign Economic Policy
> 61. Warren R. Austin--United States Aid to Greece and Turkey
> 62. Harry S. Truman--World Unity
> 63. Harry S. Truman--Permanent World Peace
> 64. Harold E. Stassen--Marshall Plan, Europe's Only Alternative to 
> Communism
> 65. Jaime Torres Bodet--Consolidate the United Nations
> 66. James Forrestal--Strength Alone Averts War
> 67. Thomas E. Dewey--Aid Program Vital
> 68. Bernard M. Baruch--Woodrow Wilson's Claim to Greatness
> 69. George C. Marshall--European Recovery and Peace Treaties
> 70. Arthur H. Vandenberg--Emergency Aid for Europe
> 71. Walter Lippmann--Philosophy and United States Foreign Policy
> 72. Harry S. Truman--Marshall Plan Proposals
> 73. Harold E. Stassen--United Nations Charter Revision
> 74. George C. Marshall--The European Recovery Program
> 75. Clement Attlee--Europe Must Have a Planned Economy
> 76. Eric Johnston--Partners for Peace
> 77. William L. Clayton--The Proposed International Trade Organization
> 78. Wesley A. Sturges--The Quest for World Law and Order
> 79. Winthrop G. Brown--Reciprocal Trade Agreements
> 80. George C. Marshall--Strengthen the United Nations
> 81. Winston Churchill--The Voice of Europe
> 82. Elvin H. Killheffer--International Trade Organization
> 83. Trygve Lie--A United Nations Guard Force
> 84. Ernest Bevin--United Nations' Problems
> 85. George F. Kennan--United States and the United Nations
> 86. Alben W. Barkley--Politics and Trade
> 87. John Moseley--Training for Citizenship in a World That Is To Be
> 88. Dean Acheson--The Atlantic Pact
> 89. Herbert V. Evatt--Worldwide Security Found Only in Worldwide 
> Organizations
> 90. Omar N. Bradley--Military Security Significance of Atlantic Pact
> 91. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.--Military Aid to Western Europe
> 92. Harry S. Truman--National Health Insurance Program
> 93. Dean Acheson--Economic Policy and the ITO Charter
> 94. Harry S. Truman--International Economic Policy
> 95. Crawford H. Greenewalt--Bigness and Monopoly
> 96. Walter Cenerazzo--Practical Internationalism
> 97. Winthrop G. Brown--Why Private Business Should Support the ITO
> 98. Millard E. Tydings--World Disarmament
> 99. Alberto Lleras--The Organization of American States
> 100. Herbert Hoover--World Peace and the United States
> 101. Paul H. Douglas--The Welfare State
> 102. Omar N. Bradley--A New Power Is Born
> 103. Dean Acheson--Soviet Barriers to Peace
> 104. Thomas E. Dewey--Enlarge North Atlantic Treaty
> 105. Ralph J. Bunche--Prospects for Peace
> 106. Anthony Eden--The Interdependence of Nations
> 107. Lord Halifax--Unbreakable Association of United States and 
> Commonwealth
> 108. Robert E. Wilson--Is Big Business Bad?--Fact v. Fiction
> 109. Harry S. Truman--Appeal for Foreign Aid
> 110. Walter Hallstein--The Schuman Plan and the Integration of Europe
> 111. James I. Dolliver--The Electoral College
> 112. Paul A. Dever--The Record of the Last Twenty Years
> 113. Dean Acheson--United Nations Must Face the Issues
> 114. Karl Brandt--The Unification of Europe
> 115. Ole Bjorn Kraft--The Development of the Atlantic Community
> 116. Winthrop W. Aldrich--The Basis for a New Foreign Economic Policy
> 117. Richard Glenn Gettell--Nudging the Inevitable
> 118....

Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not 
discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political 
power they wield? 
There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power 
mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the 
nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our 
souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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