Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2019 10:34:16 +0000 (UTC)
From: "James Gavin Jr." <>

Subject: Fw: 'Coup has started, ' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017
 posts calling for impeachment

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Sent: Monday, November 11, 2019, 11:39:53 PM PST
Subject: 'Coup has started, ' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment

News Updates From CLG
12 November 2019
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Previous edition: House approves impeachment inquiry rules after fiery floor debate

<>'Coup has started,' whistleblower's attorney said in 2017 posts calling for impeachment | 08 Nov 2019 | Mark Zaid, one of the attorneys representing the intelligence community 'whistleblower' at the center of the Democrats' ongoing impeachment inquiry, tweeted conspicuously in January 2017 that a "coup has started" and that "impeachment will follow ultimately." Then, in July 2017, Zaid remarked, "I predict @CNN will play a key role in @realDonaldTrump not finishing out his full term as president." Also that month, Zaid tweeted, "We will get rid of him, and this country is strong enough to survive even him and his supporters." Amid a slew of impeachment-related posts, Zaid assured his Twitter followers that "as one falls, two more will take their place," apparently referring to Trump administration employees who defy the White House. Zaid promised that the "coup" would occur in "many steps." The tweets...are likely to fuel Republican concerns that the anonymous whistleblower's complaint is tainted with partisanship.

<>Battle over Trump impeachment inquiry witnesses gives possible preview of public hearing fireworks | 11 Nov 2019 | The <>battle between House Democrats and Republicans over the list of witnesses for public testimony as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry of President Trump may be a harbinger of the partisan rancor that awaits the hearings that will come to television screens nationwide this week. House Republicans over the weekend <>submitted a list of witnesses they would like to call for public testimony during the impeachment inquiry. That list included list Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, and his former business partner Devon Archer, former Democratic National Committee consultant Alexandra Chalupa, and the anonymous 'whistleblower' whose complaint about Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky led to the impeachment inquiry.

<>Mulvaney to file separate suit to fight impeachment subpoena | 11 Nov 2019 | Mick Mulvaney, President Trump's acting chief of staff, told a federal judge that he is withdrawing from his effort to join a former White House aide's lawsuit against House Democrats and intends to file his own case in an effort to fight a subpoena as part of the impeachment inquiry. Mulvaney last week had asked to join the original case, which would have put him in the awkward position of essentially suing his own boss...Mulvaney argued in his proposed lawsuit that the Justice Department's legal advisers under both Democratic and Republican administrations have advised that the president and his close advisers are immune to congressional subpoena.

<>Nunes demands Schiff testify in private as part of House impeachment inquiry | 08 Nov 2019 | The top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee has formally requested that the panel's chairman, Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., testify in a closed-door setting as part of the impeachment inquiry against President Trump. Fox News has obtained a <>letter written by committee Ranking Member Devin Nunes, R-Calif., who demanded that Schiff appear for a deposition in private before lawmakers. "On November 6th, you announced the beginning of public hearings associated with the Democratic Party's partisan impeachment inquiry into President Donald J. Trump," Nunes wrote Friday..."Prior to the start of your public show trial next week, at least one additional closed-door deposition must take place," he continued. "Specifically, I request that you sit for a closed-door deposition before the House Intelligence, Foreign Affairs and Oversight Committees." Nunes went on to note that in August 2019, Schiff and his staff "met with or talked to the whistleblower who raised an issue with President Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President [Volodymyr] Zelensky."

<>House Democrats Suddenly Drop Subpoena for Ex-Bolton Aide Who Asked Court to Decide If He Should Testify | 07 Nov 2019 | House Democrats abruptly withdrew their subpoena for former deputy national security adviser Charles Kupperman, who had asked a judge to rule on whether he should appear before committees conducting an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. Democrats yanked the subpoena for ex-aide to former National Security Adviser John Bolton a week after a federal judge had put the case on the fast track. "The subpoena at issue in this matter has been withdrawn and there is no current intention to reissue it," said a <>letter filed by lawyers for top Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff.

<>'Do your job and print his name:' Rand Paul urges media to out whistleblower, says they worked for Biden | 05 Nov 2019 | Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has fired up crowds at President Donald Trump's rally in Kentucky, alleging that the Ukrainegate whistleblower’s name has been an open secret and called on the media to finally make it public. Paul, who represents Kentucky in the Senate since 2011, was invited on stage by President Trump during an election-eve rally in Lexington on Monday, in a bid to drum up support for Republican Governor Matt Bevin.

<>GOP argues 'whistleblower's' name must be public [It's allegedly <>Eric Ciaramella.] | 02 Nov 2019 | ...President Trump's allies in Congress are increasingly hopeful they'll find exoneration in a singular figure: the government 'whistleblower' they're fighting to expose. The clash over the whistleblower's identity -- and that person's right to anonymity -- has emerged as a front-line battle in the partisan war over the Trump impeachment inquiry. Republicans on Capitol Hill contend that knowing the whistleblower's identity is vital to the process, granting Trump the right to face his accuser -- and learn of any political biases the figure might have.

<>House subpoenas White House lawyer, other official to testify Monday | 02 Nov 2019 | The House Intelligence Committee subpoenaed two more administration officials Friday as part of its expanding impeachment investigation into President Trump's dealings with Ukraine. Investigators subpoenaed John Eisenberg, the White House National Security Counsel's top legal adviser, to testify on Monday. The House also subpoenaed Brian McCormack, outgoing Energy Secretary Rick Perry's chief of staff, for Monday deposition, according to a source familiar with the matter. The two subpoenas add to a growing pile of testimony House investigators plan to hear next week as the chamber seeks to ramp up its investigation.

<>Pelosi suggests impeachment inquiry could expand beyond Ukraine | 01 Nov 2019 | Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Friday it's possible that controversies beyond Ukraine could be part of the impeachment case against President Trump. House Democrats have recently sought to narrow their impeachment inquiry to the allegations stemming from an intelligence community whistleblower complaint that said Trump tried to pressure Ukraine to initiate politically charged investigations in return for the release of congressionally approved security aid...Pelosi on Friday emphasized that the decision on articles of impeachment will be up to the committees handling the inquiry. She did not rule out the possibility that the obstruction of justice allegations against Trump in Mueller's report could come up.

<>Bolivia crisis: Evo Morales accepts political asylum in Mexico | 11 Nov 2019 | Evo Morales has accepted an offer of political asylum in Mexico a day after resigning as president of Bolivia amid election fraud protests. In a tweet, he said it hurt to be leaving Bolivia but he would return with more "strength and energy". Mexico's Foreign Minister, Marcelo Ebrard, confirmed Mr Morales had boarded a Mexican government plane.

<>Bolivia Leader Morales Quits, Blaming Coup as Army Pulls Support | 11 Nov 2019 | Evo Morales, South America’s longest-serving president and a towering figure for the region's left-wing movements, resigned after election irregularities triggered weeks of violent clashes and intervention from the armed forces. Morales said he was leaving office to avoid violence, adding that he wouldn't flee the country since he hadn't stolen anything. He pointed to the economic progress of the country and said in his resignation speech that he was the victim of a coup and called for the international community to intervene.

<>White Helmets terrorist group co-founder/ex-British officer Le Mesurier found dead in Istanbul | 11 Nov 2019 | The controversial White Helmets have confirmed that James Le Mesurier, the man behind their support and training, was found dead in Istanbul, Turkey. Le Mesurier's body was discovered near his home in Istanbul's Beyoglu district. The circumstances surrounding his death are still being investigated...Hailed as fearless rescue workers by the Western media, the White Helmets have been accused of associating with al-Qaeda [al-CIA-duh] and other terrorist groups inside Syria. Photographs and videos show members of the 'civil defense' organization posing with jihadists. They've also been accused of staging chemical attacks, used as justification by Western nations to carry out strikes against the Syrian military and its allies.

<>Families mourn victims killed in Mexico, say it’s like 'Afghanistan 100 miles from US border' | 09 Nov 2019 | Outraged family members of the <>nine Americans killed in a drug cartel ambush in Mexico Monday reportedly urged the country's leaders to accept President Trump's offer to help destroy the cartels as the first funerals were held Thursday. "We're living like we're in Afghanistan, 100 miles from the U.S. border," Rosa LeBaron, who lost cousins, nieces and nephews in the attack, said, according to Reuters. Three women and six children were gunned down this week when members of the Juarez Cartel attacked their convoy of three SUVs in Northern Mexico about 70 miles south of Douglas, Ariz. The families were on their way to see relatives in the U.S.

<>At least nine Americans killed in Mexican highway ambush | 05 Nov 2019 | At least nine U.S. citizens, including six children, were killed Monday in an apparent ambush on a highway in the Mexican border state of Sonora, according to relatives of the victims and local media reports. The dead included 8-month-old twins, said a family member, Kendra Lee Miller. Eight children survived, some seriously wounded, including a 9-month-old who was shot in the chest and a 4-year-old shot in the back, Miller said. Willie Jessop, who is related to one victim, told NBC News by phone from Utah that the attack was on a motorcade consisting of several families, and that survivors at the scene told him that three cars were shot at and one was set on fire. The Mexican government said Tuesday that three SUVs were hit in the assault.

<>Illegal loggers kill Amazon indigenous warrior who guarded forest, wound another | 02 Nov 2019 | Illegal loggers in the Amazon ambushed an indigenous group that was formed to protect the forest and shot dead a young warrior and wounded another, leaders of the Guajajara tribe in northern Brazil said on Saturday. Paulo Paulino Guajajara, or Lobo (which means 'wolf' in Portuguese), was hunting on Friday inside the Arariboia reservation in Maranhao state when he was attacked and shot in the head. Another Guajajara, Laercio, was wounded but escaped, they said.

<>University of Virginia cancels 21-gun salute from Veterans Day ceremony | 11 Nov 2019 | The University of Virginia has canceled the 21-gun salute for its Veterans Day ceremony over concerns that firing weapons on campus could cause "panic" among students. The salute previously came at the end of the school's 24-hour vigil and Veterans Day ceremony, a tradition for a decade, although it's commonly seen in the U.S. as an honor for visiting dignitaries. The decision to end the tribute was made by the school provost’s office and the colonel of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC).

<>South Carolina nuclear power plant operator insists 'no danger to public' after 'small leak' forces reactor shutdown | 12 Nov 2019 | A nuclear power plant in South Carolina was forced to halt operations indefinitely to repair a "small" coolant leak in its reactor. The plant operator insists the incident is so minor there was no need to inform the public. The coolant leak at the VC Summer nuclear plant in Jenkinsville, South Carolina, had been discovered several weeks ago and last week engineers were forced to shut its sole reactor down. The company in charge of the plant, Dominion Energy, says no nuclear material has escaped the facility.

<>Only thing clear about the new Transparency Act is that US senators are about to let Google keep manipulating your search results --By Michael Rectenwald | 10 Nov 2019 | In June, whistleblower Zach Vorhies dumped <>internal Google documents exposing the company's shady practices and political agenda. Rather than investigate, US lawmakers are offering Big Tech political cover and a <>legislative decoy...Google <>blacklists sources and prevents them from appearing in news results or featured links. Google's blacklist is a manually curated file including over 500 websites that are excluded from news results. Google applies <>fringe ranking to sites, downgrading those sites -- but not The New York Times and The Washington Post -- that promote "conspiracy theories" and "fake news."

<>US airports have hired Ebola screeners to test blood samples from travelers coming to the US from countries plagued by the deadly virus --Several agencies in the Washington, DC, and Las Angeles, California areas recently put out quiet job postings for Ebola screeners --A representative of the Northern Virginia Emergency Medical Services Council confirmed that more than one part-time position had been filled --No cases have been reported in the US or neighboring countries, but the Bahamas yesterday said it is now on 'high alert' for the arrival of Ebola | 01 Nov 2019 | Washington Dulles International Airport has hired part-time staff screen travelers for the Ebola virus, an administrative coordinator at the Northern Virginia Emergency Medical Services Council (NVEMSC) told DailyMail dot com. <>NVEMSC as well as several other groups made job postings for screeners earlier this year, and the NVEMSC coordinator says that all of its positions have been filled...In August, the calls for similar jobs began appearing unceremoniously on <>LinkedIn and Careerbuilder dot com, made by several groups that appear to contract with the US government, including Caduceus Healthcare. And the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health was recently in search of a nurse to oversee 'biothreat responses,' including to Ebola, <>reported the Epoch Times.

<>Children Taken From Parents Who Refuse Vitamin K Shot --The injection may contain benzyl alcohol, a preservative that may be toxic for the baby's delicate immune system. Preservative-free shots may contain a combination of polysorbate 8019 and propylene glycol instead, but these ingredients also have a questionable safety profile. | 10 Nov 2019 | A number of stories have emerged detailing how parents have had their newborn babies taken from them by simply because they declined the vitamin K injection. In a September 2019 article, The Daily Citizen <>describes the harrowing ordeal of Angela and Brian Bougher: "In the moments after birth, a nurse told the Boughers that their newborn daughter was being taken away and they were being investigated for 'medical neglect.' It took 12 hours to get their daughter back...Later the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) had law enforcement officers make an unannounced visit the Boughers' home to investigate and determine if any of their other four children were being 'neglected.'" The Boughers and several other Illinois families who experienced harassment and investigation by the DCFS over refusal of the vitamin K shot have <>filed a class action lawsuit against local hospitals (Silver Cross Hospital, Advocate Christ Medical Center and the University of Chicago Medical Center), the AAP, the DCFS and several pediatricians.

<>Baby Girl in Cuba Dies Two Days After Getting MMR Vaccine | 08 Nov 2019 | A <>one-year-old girl died in Cuba on Oct. 9, 2019 two days after receiving an MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccination. Paloma Dominguez Caballero was administered the vaccine at a clinic near Havana on Oct. 7. Within two hours, the toddler began to have symptoms of severe adverse reactions...Cuba's Public Health Ministry confirmed that four other children who received the MMR vaccine at the same clinic at about the same time as Paloma also suffered severe reactions following vaccination. According to a statement released by the ministry, "The remaining four children remain hospitalized, one of them under intensive care but stable, and the others are progressing favorably." The MMR vaccine used in Cuba is <>produced by Serum Institute of India.

<>New Study Explains How the HPV Vaccine Can Trigger 'An Extremely Wide Spectrum of Autoimmune Diseases' | 04 Nov 2019 | The powerful government-pharmaceutical industry partnership that has been foisting human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination on girls and boys around the world since 2006 now has working-age adults within its sights. Merck's Gardasil 9 received U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for <>expanded use in the 27-45 age group in late 2018, and there are signs that a <>campaign is afoot to achieve the same end result in other countries. HPV vaccines have been linked to <>over 100,000 reported adverse events globally, including <>disabling autoimmune conditions and deaths, but officials seem unconcerned...Aware that "the <>incidence of invasive cancers has increased sharply (sometimes exceeding 100%) in the vaccinated age groups" in countries with mass HPV vaccination, French doctor Nicole Delepine finds the FDA’s effrontery "incredible."

<>Vaccine Trials in India Deliberately Infect Humans with Deadly Diseases to Test Experimental Vaccines | 16 Oct 2019 | ...Public health authorities around the globe have become marketing auxiliaries for vaccine manufacturers. A <>report in the Economic Times of India, confirms that the Indian health ministry is working with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), the Department of Biotechnology, and the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) as they embark on a medical atrocity -- that is, to conduct clinical trials in which human beings are deliberately infected with deadly diseases in order to test the efficacy of experimental vaccines. The India Infection Research Consortium has named these experiments: "controlled human infection model (CHIM)." This "controlled human infection model" is no different than the medical atrocities committed by the medical establishment under the Nazi regime.

<>Koch Organizations Push Immigrant Art Propaganda Ahead of DACA Ruling | 04 Nov 2019 | Non-profit organizations connected to the notorious mass migration advocate [and Deep State dirt-bag] Charles Koch are showcasing an art exhibit in Washington, D.C. that portrays the benefits of immigration according to a <>report from The Hill. This "Common Ground" exhibit's unveiling comes before a Supreme Court hearing on November 12 that tackles the issues of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This executive overreach by President Obama was eliminated by President Trump, but so-called Dreamers have sued leading to this landmark case...Stand Together, the principal non-profit arm of the Koch network, brought forward this exhibit alongside non-profit groups [of corporatists seeking cheap, undocumented labor] such as Americans For Prosperity and the Libre Institute, which are also part of the Koch network.

<>CBS fires former ABC staffer who blew whistle on network spiking Epstein accuser interview - report | 07 Nov 2019 | CBS News has reportedly fired an employee after ABC News informed the rival network that the person who leaked hot mic footage of Amy Robach venting about her spiked Jeffrey Epstein story was now working on its staff. Reporter Yashar Ali <>cited "two sources with knowledge of the situation" who claimed ABC News honchos "believe they know the identity" of a former employee with access to the viral footage. Earlier this week, Project Veritas published the d-mning video in which ABC News anchor Robach complained that the Disney-owned network killed a story that would have exposed the now-deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein three years ago.

<>ABC News Anchor Amy Robach caught on hot mic saying network spiked Jeffrey Epstein bombshell | 06 Nov 2019 | ABC News anchor Amy Robach was caught on a hot mic claiming higher-ups at her network killed a story that would have exposed the now-deceased sex offender Jeffrey Epstein three years ago, but the Disney-owned news organization says it wasn't up to their standards. "I've had the story for three years… we would not put it on the air," Robach said on thee hot mic. "It was unbelievable what we had, Clinton, we had everything." Project Veritas, whose controversial founder, James O'Keefe, describes himself as a "guerrilla journalist," published the footage that included Robach saying ABC refused to air an interview she conducted with one of Epstein’s victims.

<>'How did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?' Hillary Clinton bursts into laughter over dead body joke... again | 02 Nov 2019 | In an appearance on the Daily Show, Hillary Clinton was asked to weigh in on her role as the arch nemesis of conservatives, and how -- not if -- she added Jeffrey Epstein to the "Clinton body count" theorized by conspiracy buffs. "I have to ask you a question that has been plaguing me for a while, how did you kill Jeffrey Epstein?" host Trevor Noah asked on Thursday's show, getting an outburst of laughter out of Clinton. "You seem to be behind everything nefarious, and yet you do not use [that power] to become president." Before she could spill the beans, Noah rolled out his next question, asking what it was like to be the "bogeyman of the right" and the subject of countless internet conspiracy theories.

<>Deval Patrick considering late entry into Democratic presidential race | 11 Nov 2019 | Former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick is considering making a late run for the Democratic presidential nomination, according to two people with knowledge of his deliberations, underscoring some Democrats' deep uncertainty about the party's current crop of contenders. Patrick, a close friend and ally of former President Barack Obama, ruled out a presidential bid earlier this year but has since been talking with Democratic operatives and donors about launching a campaign. He has not made a final decision on whether to run, but he is expected to do so quickly, given fast-approaching deadlines to get on the ballot in key states.

<>US election 2020: Michael Bloomberg joins race for White House | 09 Nov 2019 | Billionaire former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has signalled he will join the race to secure the Democratic Party's nomination for US president. He has filed paperwork ahead of a deadline for the Democratic primary election in Alabama. The move is a necessary step to join the race to be the party's candidate to take on President Donald Trump in next year's election. Mr Bloomberg, 77, has not formally confirmed his candidacy.

Mega barf alert *and* gag me with a chainsaw: <>Jeff Bezos asked Mike Bloomberg months ago if he’d consider running for president | 09 Nov 2019 | Sometime after Amazon pulled the plug on plans for a New York City headquarters in February of this year, the city's former mayor Mike Bloomberg received a call from Jeff Bezos, Amazon's founder and CEO and the world's richest man. Bezos was calling with a question for his fellow billionaire and media mogul: Would Bloomberg consider entering the 2020 presidential race?...Now, months later, Bloomberg is in fact on the cusp of entering the race for the Democratic nomination as he’s watched the party's leading moderate, former Vice President Joe Biden, struggle.

<>Steyer aide offered donations for local politicians to endorse him - report | 07 Nov 2019 | An aide to billionaire 2020 Democratic presidential candidate [and Deep State dirt-bag] Tom Steyer has offered campaign donations to numerous Iowa politicians in exchange for their endorsements, <>according to The Associated Press. The AP reported Thursday that former Iowa state House Speaker Pat Murphy (D), currently a top adviser on Steyer's 2020 campaign, made the offers, which would not be illegal unless the potential contributions went unreported. However, they could add to the criticism Steyer has already faced from other candidates in the 2020 field that he is using his vast personal wealth to buy his way into the pack of Democratic candidates.

<>GOP's Bevin refuses to concede as Kentucky gubernatorial race goes down to the wire | 06 Nov 2019 | Republican incumbent Gov. Matt Bevin refused to concede late Tuesday in Kentucky's gubernatorial race, citing "irregularities." ...With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Bevin was behind Democratic Attorney General Andy Beshear, 49.2 percent (711,955 votes) to 48.9 percent (707,297 votes). Libertarian candidate John Hicks received 28,475 votes, or 2.0 percent. The Associated Press said it could not declare a winner, owing to the tight margin. The Democratic National Committee and Beshear's campaign, however, claimed victory.

<>New York City to adopt ranked-choice voting | 05 Nov 2019 | New York City on Tuesday became the latest and largest city in the nation to adopt ranked-choice voting, which allows voters to rank their top five candidates based on preference. New Yorkers overwhelmingly approved <>Ballot Question 1 by a roughly 73 to 17 percent margin, with just over 77 percent of precincts reporting. The ballot's passage will allow the city's voters to begin using ranked-choice voting in local primary and special elections starting in 2021.

<>Soros Sends Last-Minute Cash to Virginia Prosecutor Candidates --Deep State billionaire [and former Nazi] bids to reshape state's criminal justice system | 02 Nov 2019 | Deep State billionaire George Soros is flooding Virginia with hundreds of thousands of dollars in a last-minute effort to support Democratic prosecutors on the ballot on Nov. 5. The m-ney is part of a liberal deep state effort to reshape the state's criminal justice system: Progressive Democrats in several races have committed to reforms <>focused on reducing felony convictions...Soros has for years quietly funded prosecutor races as part of an effort to overhaul destroy the criminal justice system. In late 2017, the financier co-hosted a panel at a gathering of the Democracy Alliance, the left's largest donor network, on ramping up district attorney races across the country, <>documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon showed.

<>Warren, Buttigieg make gains in new national poll | 03 Nov 2019 | Front-runner Joe Biden's support held steady in a <>new poll of the 2020 Democratic presidential race that saw Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg make gains. The poll from ABC News and The Washington Post released early Sunday found Biden with 27 percent support from Democrats and independents who lean toward the party, unchanged from a similar survey in early September. Warren, however, gained 4 percentage points, climbing from 17 percent to 21 percent. The results mark a new high in the poll for the senator, ABC News <>noted.

<>O'Rourke ends presidential bid | 01 Nov 2019 | Former Rep. Beto O'Rourke (D-Texas) announced Friday that he would drop out of the presidential race, ending what was once thought to be a potential leading 2020 Democratic bid that failed to garner the same enthusiasm that surrounded his Senate campaign last year. O'Rourke said in a post on the website Medium that it had become clear he did not have the means to keep his campaign afloat, an acknowledgement of the financial struggles the former Texas congressman has faced in recent months.

<>'Amtrak Joe' Spent Big on Private Planes, Helicopters | 25 Oct 2019 | While longtime Democratic officeholder Joe Biden brands himself as solidly blue-collar, records reviewed by RealClearPolitics reveal a politician who has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars throughout his career on transportation by private plane and even private helicopter. Some of the travel was paid for by his campaigns and other trips by taxpayers. On more than one occasion, Biden chartered flights aboard planes owned by longtime political donors and lobbyists...Sitting in first place, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average, he spent <>$924,000 in the last quarter alone traveling on private planes, Federal Election Commission records show.

<>Jimmy Carter in hospital for procedure to relieve pressure on his brain | 11 Nov 2019 | Former President Jimmy Carter has been admitted to a hospital in Atlanta for a procedure to relieve pressure on his brain caused by recent falls, the Carter Center said Monday. The former president's organization made the announcement in a <>tweet on Monday, adding that Carter's procedure will take place Tuesday morning. Carter, who is 95 and the oldest living former president, was <>injured in two falls this year, one in the spring and one in October.

<>Australia: NSW bushfires at emergency levels as people told to find shelter --New South Wales's chief firefighter says they have planned for such days "but we always hope they never come". | 12 Nov 2019 | Millions of people in Australia's east are seeing what could be the worst bushfires in at least a decade. Some 70 fires are burning in the state of New South Wales, with around half of them uncontained or out of control. Eleven emergency warnings are in place, meaning that people are in urgent danger and must take emergency action.

<>'Absolute tragedy': hundreds of koalas feared dead after NSW bushfires --Researchers found only two living koalas after fires burned through the native marsupial's breeding ground in north-eastern NSW | 31 Oct 2019 | Bushfires sweeping through prime koala habitat in New South Wales may have killed as many as 350 of the iconic native marsupial, conservationists say. The blaze, near Port Macquarie in northern NSW, has <>burned through thousands of hectares including an important koala breeding ground. On Thursday wildlife researchers visited some of the area destroyed in the bushfire, but only located two living koalas in a search of about 100 hectares. It has led to fears hundreds of the animals may have been killed.

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'From South America, where payment must be made with subtlety, the Bormann organization has made a substantial contribution. It has drawn many of the brightest Jewish businessmen into a participatory role in the development of many of its corporations, and many of these Jews share their prosperity most generously with Israel. If their proposals are sound, they are even provided with a specially dispensed venture capital fund. I spoke with one Jewish businessmen in Hartford, Connecticut. He had arrived there quite unknown several years before our conversation, but with Bormann money as his leverage. Today he is more than a millionaire, a quiet leader in the community with a certain share of his profits earmarked as always for his venture capital benefactors. This has taken place in many other instances across America and demonstrates how Bormann’s people operate in the contemporary commercial world, in contrast to the fanciful nonsense with which Nazis are described in so much “literature.”

So much emphasis is placed on select Jewish participation in Bormann companies that when Adolf Eichmann was seized and taken to Tel Aviv to stand trial, it produced a shock wave in the Jewish and German communities of Buenos Aires. Jewish leaders informed the Israeli authorities in no uncertain terms that this must never happen again because a repetition would permanently rupture relations with the Germans of Latin America, as well as with the Bormann organization, and cut off the flow of Jewish money to Israel. It never happened again, and the pursuit of Bormann quieted down at the request of these Jewish leaders. He is residing in an Argentinian safe haven, protected by the most efficient German infrastructure in history as well as by all those whose prosperity depends on his well-being.' <>http<>://

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TG mobile +44 7786 952037
Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? There are sick and evil occultists running the Western World. They are power mad lunatics like something from a kids cartoon with their fingers on the nuclear button! Armageddon is closer than you thought. Only God can save our souls from their clutches, at least that's my considered opinion - Tony

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