On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 01:28:58PM -0400, Marcela Maslanova wrote:
> The macro perl_bootstrap is actually set to 1. After rebuild will be done,
> it will be switched to 0.

Correction: After rebuild is done, it will become undefined.

Additional information:

You can worry where the macro comes from. Originally, we put it into
perl-devel subpackage. But that was not enough as Koji recreates SRPM from git
repository and the macro must present at time of creatating the SRPM. Thus we
put it into dependency of perl package that is pulled into build root just by
accident (it's required by git).

Yes, this is another short-comming of Fedora build environment. Better place
would be dependency of redhat-rpm-config that is explicitly listed in build
and srpm-build package group.

> If you like imagine how bad it is, see: 
> http://ppisar.fedorapeople.org/perl_rebuild/5.14/notbuilt.svg ;-)
> It doesn't contain current data, but it shows the most problematic places.

The picture is horrible as it constructs package names from Perl module names.
I will provide better one soon.

-- Petr

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