On Wednesday, October 8, 2003, at 12:52 AM, Carl Jolley wrote:

Anyway that's why binmode is a Windows-only function. A common
mis-conception among windows perl'ers is that somehow binmode
is needed to properly handle a binary/non-text mode file.

To the best of my knowledge, binmode isn't a "Windows-only" function. It's just that the most common operating systems besides windows don't make distictions between text and binary files, so it isn't useful on *nix and its variants. Apparently some older operating systems did make such a distinction (some made others as well), and it would be a necessary call on those systems.

Further, I think you do need binmode to handle non-text files properly. Even sysread/read will stop reading a text-mode file when they hit the control-D character (I had this happen to me) -- you have to put the file in binary mode to continue reading past the character.


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