
I have detected two missing comments about the behaviour of select(2) system 
call, in the description of the select function in perlfunc.pod. Rafael 
Garcia-Suarez has already added one of these comments to the pod file in 
bleadperl (see perl-documentation mailling list archive for further 

I'm attaching a patch to add the other missing comment to the same pod file 
(the one already patched by Rafael).

Hernan A. Perez Masci.
--- perlfunc.pod	2005-04-07 10:12:49.000000000 -0300
+++ perlfunc.pod.patched	2005-04-08 14:55:29.000000000 -0300
@@ -4606,6 +4606,12 @@
 On error, C<select> behaves like the select(2) system call : it returns
 -1 and sets C<$!>.
+Note: on Linux, the select(2) system call may report a socket file
+descriptor as "ready for reading", when actually no data is available,
+thus a subsequent read blocks. It can be avoided using always the
+O_NONBLOCK flag on the socket. See select(2) and fcntl(2) for further
 B<WARNING>: One should not attempt to mix buffered I/O (like C<read>
 or <FH>) with C<select>, except as permitted by POSIX, and even
 then only on POSIX systems.  You have to use C<sysread> instead.

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