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Chaim Frenkel wrote:
> Sorry, I keep reading [except], even with your explanation, as
> "ignore this [catch]". A more positive word would be better.

I take your point.  Patches are welcome ;-)

> I haven't seen a good reason that it should be any more complex than
>         do BLOCK oops BLOCK always BLOCK

The proposed omnibus Exceptions RFC allows you to say

          try BLOCK catch BLOCK finally BLOCK

which does exactly what you want.

If you don't want it any more complex than that, then just use that.
Most people (including me) will, most of the time, and often they will
have only the catch *or* the finally.

However, many people have broached topics such as conditional catch
blocks (such as those based on the exception's isa relationships),
multiple catch clauses with varying conditions, and post-finally
catch blocks.

I agree that we don't have a great handle on the flow-control semantics
for multiple catch blocks.  We're working on it.  But if we can come
up with some decent simple rules, then I see no reason to prohibit
careful use of more complex constructs.

Yours, &c, Tony Olekshy

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