Well said!

My take: I like perl, I don't mind it the way it is. But I'd be happier if
it was a lot more like python! (indentation aside)

I guess the question arises - how radical is perl6 allowed to be?


Kai Henningsen wrote:
> And context dependency is bad for people.
> There is a reason that no language after Algol68 used a context dependant
> grammar.
> There is a reason that nearly all modern computer languages don't make
> expression evaluation dependant on expression context.
> The reason is *not* that this is easier for computers. It is easier, sure,
> but not all that much.
> But it is *a lot* easier for humans.
> A rose is a rose is a rose. Human minds really don't like context
> dependancy.
> MfG Kai

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