I'm trying to find out some useful information on the Microsoft .NET
Implementation Language, since everyone's raving about it and all I've
seen is vapourware, glowing press releases and not a drop of code, and
I'd rather see something a little more technical if it's what we're
going to be targetting for Perl 6. (Are we still doing this? I've not
really kept up.)

I've looked all over Microsoft's web site, (it's amusing that the search
engine doesn't distinguish between "net" and ".net", leading to no
useful information that way...) and the only thing I've found is the
.NET SDK. This is an 86 megabyte download and requires Windows 2000.
Less than encouraging.

Is there any kind of technical documentation on the IL around,
especially in terms of what it provides and what it doesn't, and if so,
could someone launch a copy my way?

"Life sucks, but it's better than the alternative."
-- Peter da Silva

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