At 09:13 PM 8/16/00 -0600, Tony Olekshy wrote:
>Peter Scott wrote:
> >
> > Tony Olekshy wrote:
> > >
> > >         try     { TryToFoo; }
> > >         catch   { TryToHandleFailure; }
> > >         finally { TryToCleanUp; }
> > >         catch   { throw "Can't cleanly Foo."; };
> > >
> > >In our production code we often add such blocks to major API entry
> > >points; that is how we get unwind stack tracebacks like the one
> > >shown in RFC 88:
> >
> > Um, I still don't geddit.  Why don't you put that last throw in the
> > finally block?  That's where I would have expected to find it.
>Like this?
>               try     { TryToFoo; }
>               catch   { TryToHandleFailure; }
>               finally { TryToCleanUp;
>                         throw "Can't cleanly Foo.";
>                         };
>Since finally is invoked every time, if I put the throw in there
>then it will throw even if TryToFoo didn't throw and TryToCleanUp
>didn't throw, that is, even if I was able to cleanly Foo (in which
>case I certainly don't want a "Can't cleanly Foo" exception).
>In addition, the throw won't be invoked if TryToCleanUp throws, in
>which case I won't get the extra "Can't cleanly Foo" exception on the
>unwind stack, which was the whole point of the exercise.

Okay, I see.  Unfortunately, this violates the no-daisychaining rule and is 
IMHO hard to understand at first.

I see why you want it, though.  That does look nice like that.  Without it 
you need to:

     try {
         try     { TryToFoo; }
         catch   { TryToHandleFailure; }
         finally { TryToCleanUp; }
     catch   { throw "Can't cleanly Foo." }

There may be other issues here though.  I'm not an expert on program flow 
design, so this may be wrong, but it seems to me that there ought to be a 
distinction between some of the cases you're collapsing above:

1.  TryToFoo succeeds, TryToCleanUp succeeds
         - Post-finally throw: no
2.  TryToFoo succeeds, TryToCleanUp fails
         - Post-finally throw: yes
3.  TryToFoo fails, TryToHandleFailure succeeds, TryToCleanUp succeeds
         - Post-finally throw: no
4.  TryToFoo fails, TryToHandleFailure succeeds, TryToCleanUp fails
         - Post-finally throw: yes
5.  TryToFoo fails, TryToHandleFailure fails,    TryToCleanUp succeeds
         - Post-finally throw: yes
6.  TryToFoo fails, TryToHandleFailure fails,    TryToCleanUp fails
         - Post-finally throw: yes

Do I have that list right?  Especially #3?

Rats.  It just doesn't look right the way you have it.  There shouldn't be 
anything after a 'finally' block.

Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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