Today around 2:04pm, Casey R. Tweten hammered out this masterpiece:

: Today around 10:45am, Steve Fink hammered out this masterpiece:
: : Ted Ashton wrote:
: : > 
: : > >                                                               all
: : > > dereferencing can be done with ->.
: : > 
: : > Is that "can be done with" or "must be done with"?
: : > 
: : > Either way, I like the idea.  To me it reads more smoothly, and as I seldom
: : > dare to use the double-punctuation form ($$ and so on) and use instead the
: : > ${$} form, it would be an equal number of characters and fewer curlies (which,
: : > I think, is a win).
: : 
: : Can be done with. @{ foo() || bar() } seems preferable to, say,
: : [scalar(foo() || bar())]->[0]->@. :-)
: I've seen this possible syntax brought up before at another forum.
: where:
: @{$hashref->{key}}
: would be:
: $hashref->{key}->@
: This looks counter intuitive, my brain says to dereference the reference at the
: begining, just like you make the reference, in other words, keep it all the
: same:
: $hashref->{key}->@ # Deref
: $hashref->{key}->$ # Deref
: $hashref->{key}->% # Deref
: $hashref->{key}->* # Deref
: $hashref->{key}->& # Deref
: $hashref->{key}->\ # Reference
: This is just ugly.  If it's less line noise and/or punctuation, temp vars is the
: key.  I know this has been said before:
: $arrayref = $hashref->{key}
: @{$arrayref};
: #or
: @$arrayref;
: On the other hand, another hacker and I thought up and attempted to write a
: pragma ( attempted because as far as I know, neither of us has touched it in a
: long while ) that degreases line noise in terms of punctuations, sorta.  It's
: more verbose anyhow, where:
: @{ $hashref->{key} };
: becomes:
: ARRAY{ $hashref->{key} };


ARRAY $hashref->{key};

: And the same holds true for SCALAR, HASH, CODE, GLOB and such.  It's an
: alternative that hasn't been thought out much, but perhaps kinda neat.

print(join(' ', qw(Casey R. Tweten)));my $sig={mail=>'[EMAIL PROTECTED]',site=>
''};print "\n",'.'x(length($sig->{site})+6),"\n";
print map{$_.': '.$sig->{$_}."\n"}sort{$sig->{$a}cmp$sig->{$b}}keys%{$sig};
my $VERSION = '0.01'; #'patched' by Jerrad Pierce <belg4mit at MIT dot EDU>

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