On Wed, 23 Aug 2000 18:02:21 -0700, Nathan Wiger wrote:

>I hate it, it's miserable. Too much hidden trickery and special cases.

Quite the countrary, I should think. Have you seen the subs
self_or_default and self_or_CGI in the source of CGI.pm? These serve to
check if a sub is called as a function or as a method. A dirty hack if
you ask me, and buggy, because if you call it as a function with a
certain string as a first argument, it will erroniously think it was a
class method.

>We have ref(), want(), and other calls to find out context, why not
>self() to backtrace package context?

        my $self = self() && shift;

Now that is ugly.

Or, do you mean:

        my $class = ref self() || self();

How much overhead would this have over $ME? What advantages would it


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