At 10:57 AM 8/25/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
>If your primary goal is trivial parsing, there's a *LOT* of other
>stuff you have to change.  For example, no more pick your own quotes.
>And you can't have an angle operator, since it could be a less-than,
>nor can you have here docs, which might be left shifts.  I don't
>see any reason to pick on pattern matching, arguably the most
>commonly done thing one can do in Perl, when all these very, very
>many other ambiguities still exist.

Is it accurate to say that the list of things that would have to be 
addressed is table 3-3 on p. 97 of Camel III (unlabelled table on p. 84 of 
Camel II)?
Peter Scott
Pacific Systems Design Technologies

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