At 03:34 PM 8/24/00 -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
> >I have several RFCs I need to write about removing certain functionality
> >out of the core (math functions, IPC, networking, "user").  I don't want to
> >go too overboard.  I don't know that we want to go so far as to remove
> >printing and such.  It might be nice to generalize some functions (like the
> >discussion with open() that happened awhile back).
>Unless that's done completely transparently, you'll pretty much screw the
>pooch as far as "Perl is the Cliff Notes of Unix" notion.  Not to
>mention running a very strong risk of butchering the performance.

One of the current plans is for the parser to have access to a list of 
functions that trigger autoloading modules. If, for example, it sees 
shmget(), that'll trigger the loading of the SysV::SharedMem module. (Or 
whatever module it lives in) There'll be a magic registry somewhere that 
can get added to when  a module is installed--think of it as @EXPORT on 
steroids. (You don't even have to use the module to get it loaded, as the 
mere mention of a name summons it. We'll probably have to come up with some 
name that has the acronym "hastur" or something...)

One of the other plans is to provide a way for people to write op-level 
functions that run at near-op speed. (The difference being an extra pointer 
deref, most likely) We want calling XS functions to be snappy too, of 
course, but this is a level deeper. Less safe and more prone to breakage 
from version to version of perl, but that's the risk you take when working 
under the hood.

>I don't understand this desire to eviscerate Perl's guts.

I do. I just don't understand the desire on the part of other people. ;-)


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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