or we can all darned well fake it at the very least.

More to the point, we *will* all at least fake it in public. I officially 
do not care what anyone thinks of anyone else, and I am not interested in 
personal animosities, snits, or grumpiness. We can all act like adults. 
Adults do not call each other names, nor do they make personal attacks in 
public, nor do they take something as trivial as software personally. And 
if they feel it necessary, they take it up with the people involved 

Ladies and gents, I expect everyone here to behave better than my children, 
who are 5 and 2. If you cannot do that, I *will*, in my official WG chair 
capacity, escort you to the side for a time out.

I do not care what *anyone's* provocation is. Behave less than civilly on 
this list and you *will* be booted, until such time as I think you're fit 
for civil company.


--------------------------------------"it's like this"-------------------
Dan Sugalski                          even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                         have teddy bears and even
                                      teddy bears get drunk

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