Tony Olekshy wrote:

> Glenn Linderman wrote:
> >
> > Just to point out that fatal is, indeed, as several people keep
> > saying, truly in the eye of the catcher.
> >
> > That said, none of the currently proposed mechanisms permit
> > "resume from fault" semantics, much less "resume from hardware
> > fault" semantics.  Sounds like good RFC fodder to me!
> Hi, it's me again.  Not to be a pain, but RFC 88 does say:

Hey, no pain.  You know your RFC better than I do.  Good thing, too.

>     retry
>     There has been some discussion on perl6-language-error about the
>     concept of re-entering try blocks on catch, and the possibility
>     of using such a mechanism to replace AUTOLOAD.
>     The author is of the opinion that in order to do this sort of
>     thing properly one should use continuations, which are being
>     discussed elsewhere to this RFC.
>     The intent of this RFC is to provide a simple yet robust
>     exception handling mechanism that is suitable for error
>     handling, not for replacing AUTOLOAD.

I do recall seeing this quote; however, replacing AUTOLOAD is a very
specific instance of resuming from or retrying a fault condition.  And
even though a retry mechanism could be generalized from AUTOLOAD to
handling other conditions, it was not at all clear that RFC 88 actually
is proposing a feature called retry, that would do any sort of resume.
If that was your intention, you need to add lots of beef to the "retry"
method of the "Exception" class, or somewhere, to describe how to use
it.  When I read this quote, I thought it was just general discussion,
and that that the remark about implementing retry "should use
continuations" implied that this RFC was not (presently) including such
a mechanism as part of it.

> s/retry/resume/g

I agree that in this context they are synonyms.

> I'll try to make that more clear in 88v3d1.

Right... is it part of the proposal, if so how does it work, what is the
syntax for retrying, etc.

> Yours, &c, Tony Olekshy

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