>>>>> "SWM" == Steven W McDougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

SWM> I don't understand the problem with these scenarios.

>> A couple of other scenerios
>> Thread 1             Thread 2
>> push(@a, @b);                $a[35]++

Cooperative threads do not solve consistance issues. The array, its
contents may have multiple aliases. There are other ranges of atomic

SWM> What does

>> User level cross variable consistancy.

SWM> mean?

That a user my need to have two or more variables in sync for proper
operation. And cooperative threads don't address that issue.

>> push(@a, $b);
>> $acount++ if $b <35;
>> Even cooperative threading doesn't help.

SWM> Doesn't help with what?

Solving consistance that crosses statement boundaries.

Here's another one.

        $x = 3 + &foo() - &bar();

Where does the yield happen? What happens to the yields that are already
in the 'optree' for foo and bar?

Cooperative only helps _perhaps_ with perl not needing to protrect its
own structures.

Chaim Frenkel                                        Nonlinear Knowledge, Inc.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                               +1-718-236-0183

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