Tom Christiansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Keywords that *cannot* be overridden are chop, defined, delete, do,
> dump, each , else, elsif, eval, exists, for, foreach, format, glob,
> goto, grep, if, keys, last, local, m, map, my, next, no, package,
> pop, pos, print, printf, prototype, push, q, qq, qw, qx, redo,
> return, s, scalar, shift, sort, splice, split, study, sub, tie,
> tied, tr, undef, unless, unshift, untie, until, use, while, and y.

Thanks! That's a really helpful list!

2000-08-25-05:12:58 Johan Vromans:
> Hmm. Quite a few of these should no longer be special:
>  chop, defined, delete, dump, each, exists, glob, grep, keys, map,
>  pop, pos, print, printf, prototype, push, scalar, shift, sort,
>  splice, split, study, tie, tied, undef?, unshift, untie.

If that were to be done, it'd be a nice clean superset of solving
RFC 70: if (as best I can tell by eyeballing that list) glob, print,
and printf were overridable, then could be completed
usefully for those of us who would rather have to explicitly catch
errors to prevent them from exiting with an error message, rather
than having to explicitly check for errors to prevent them from
being ignored.


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